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i walked into the Great Hall, everything felt off. even Dumbledore wasn't there, Hogwarts wasn't Hogwarts anymore. Draco became more and more nervous, i couldn't blame him. having to kill Dumbledore could kill him, i was scared if it went wrong and i'd lose my brother. i couldn't. i looked over my shoulder seeing a bunch of death eaters walk into the Great Hall, "everyone get up!" they demanded us.

Draco held Nora's hand as we were led out of the Great Hall to wherever they wanted us to go. "it's going to happen come on" my friends and i walked another way, to the astronomy tower. my father stood with his cane in front of him like always. "let's go son" he took my brother away, leading him up the tower. Draco looked at me as the door closed "i'll be right here" i mouthed towards him.

i looked at Nora, she nodded at me "whatever you do protect him" i told her before i ran down the stone pavement.

i know i promised him but i couldn't dare to find him killing someone. i ran down the hallway, seeing everyone, even the professors being led out to the courtyard. "what is happening" one of the first year Hufflepuffs said in a worried voice, i huffed and watched one of the death eaters hit her because she stepped out of line. "hey! don't do that" i slapped the guard and picked up the Hufflepuff, "don't worry it'll be over soon" i said in a calming voice, the girl nodded and wiped her tears.

Voldemort stood at the top of the stairs, his wand resting in his hand. i walked up the stairs and stood next to him. "let's find Harry" i nodded and walked to the Great Hall.

the place was a mess, glass shattered everywhere and tables flipped. Harry stood on the other side of the Great hall, with Hagrid. i grabbed my wand but Voldemort grabbed it, "you have powers use them" i nodded and walked forward. i looked up and prayed that Harry drank the vile just moments before this.

i held my hand out and said "avada kedavra" Harry gasped and looked down at his chest, where the spell hit him. he fell back, lifelessly. the vile would keep him dead until he needed to be awake, so basically he would be watching his dead body for a while.

i walked along side with Voldemort, his walk was slow. graceful like.

Hagrid carried Harry's lifeless body being carried out into the courtyard. i stood on the death eater side, my mum held my hand calmly. "darling where's Draco?" i looked around spotting Nora, she was covered in dirt, everyone was. i made my way over to her and noticed she was crying, her eyes were bloodshot and puffy.

"Nora?" she wrapped her arms around me and sobbed into my shoulder. i felt something was wrong, her sobs blocked my thinking. "i'm so sorry" i pulled away and looked at her, "where is Draco?" i said calmly, my heartbeat was loud in my ears. Nora let out another sob, my heart dropped.

everything moved slowly as i turned around, my brothers dead body laid on the ground. my eyes got wide and i looked at my mother who was crying, screaming into my father's hold.

my heart got ripped out of my chest.

i screamed as i ran towards my brother's body. his blonde hair was covering his eyes, blood spud from his nose and mouth. i cried as i moved his hair away from his eyes, "no no" i blamed myself for not being there when i could've saved him.

my mum slowly fell to the ground and pulled him up, "is Albus dead?" she said calmly.

she looked over at my father since he was the last one with my brother. he looked down at the ground then nodded, "who did this" my father picked his head up and helped my mother up. i knew she was angry, though she was never. i knew she was.

"who did this!?" my father fiddled with his hands then held hers "i did" i watched as my mother slapped him, so hard that he fell.

i watched in shock as my mum yelled at my father. she never stood up to him, never.

Voldemort groaned as we stole the spotlight from him. "stop it!" everyone looked at me, a bright white light stood behind me. it was Draco, his grey eyes were staring at me. "stop it all of you! this war is meaningless" he said as he floated towards me, his hand touching mine. "how is this possible" he smiled and kissed my forehead "it's all about you sister, you always have been stronger than me at everything possible. please end this war." he begged.

i turned and looked at Voldemort, the bright light went away. "darling are you okay?" i nodded and walked towards the dark lord. he smirked as i stood in front of him, Bellatrix was dead. almost all of the students of Hogwarts were dead. i looked over to the crowd of Hogwarts, the Hufflepuff from before looked at me. scratches on her face.

a small smile resting on her lips, i nodded then turned back to face Voldemort. slowly picking up my hand and said "crucio" the dark lord fell over and clutched his stomach. "you forced my brother to kill the wizard you could easily kill" he gasped for air, "you made me kill Harry Potter" i crouched down to his eye level.

"luckily for you i went behind your back and well" i waved my hand over to where Harry was, he rolled over and groaned as he stood up. "i have him a vile, from my collection and well he's alive" Voldemort stood up weakly and looked at my father. "kill her" my father nodded, i looked back at the Hufflepuff "now" the girl raised her wand and screamed as she ran forward.

everyone from Hogwarts and the death eaters clashed together in a war. bright colorful lights beamed around the courtyard. bodies fell to the ground from pain and others.

i looked evilly at my father, felling my hair getting frizzy. i turned into the Boggart from sixth year.

my mother protected me from getting hit by my father's spells.

i walked gracefully up to him, his eyes turning into fear. "petrificus totalus" my father yelled as he froze in his stance, i got up in his face.

"i waited years to do this. the torture from you was too little but killing your son, my brother! was too far" i smiled as i placed my hand on his chest, he whimpered and couldn't speak. "furnunculus" he screamed as his skin turned red, blisters of burns covered his body.

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