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as everyone returned back to school, everything was normal again. well for everyone else. i was focusing more on school that some little boy crush but someone always caught my attention. "Nora let's go" we walked out of charms and went to the Great Hall. she giggled as Draco kissed her, "gross" i would mumble as they laughed. my brother was happy, for the first time in a long time.

"i can't wait till summer"

their voices faded away as i watching Harry walk into the Great Hall. his head held high, his glasses barely staying on the bridge of his nose. Harry looked over and smirked at me, "stop staring it's weird" i heard Mickey say.

I rolled my eyes and got up, walking over to the group. "hey there golden trio" they all looked up at me, Ron sighed putting his head back down. I sat down next to Hermione who just wanted to leave, "sit. i'm not going to hurt you" she gulped as I looked at her.

her hand shaking as she tried to look away.

"oh bloody hell i'm sorry did my eyes go red" she nodded and relaxed, slowly. "so this is the girl you like hmm" I grabbed a strand of her hair and twisted it. her breathing picked up as I let go of it. "isn't she Ron?" I said as I looked at him, he nodded and looked at Hermione, scared of what i'd do.

Harry looked at me with confidence, his glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. a small smirk rested on his lips, "well I knew this would happen. enjoy" I got up and walked away, a smirk curled onto my face as I sat down in my seat.

my brother was going to tell me something but everyone was starting to leave for class. "Nora i'll see you after class" she smiled and kissed her boyfriend before she ran off with her brother.

I walked alongside with my brother, his blonde hair slicked back and his black suit making him too serious. "brother you look ridiculous" Draco chuckled and walked into class. Professor Lupin was talking about something called a boggart. "they will show what you fear most" i walked to my seat and looked at Draco and Nora just being cute.

"have you two actually gone on a date?" Draco scratched his head, thinking. Nora laughed and shook her head no, i smacked my brother. everyone gasped "Ms.Malfoy!" i turned and saw Professor Lupin standing over me, "oh hello sir, what do you need?" i smirked and crossed my arms in front of me.

he smiled "would you pick another partner for this project."

i rolled my eyes and looked around the room, Neville Longbottom was the only one that stood there. "good luck with Longbottom" i laughed and walked over to him, the poor boy flinched and put his arms up to protect himself. "relax Longbottom i won't hit you" he chuckled lightly and put down his hands, still ready to protect himself.

i walked over to a desk and patted the seat for him to sit.

Neville smiled weakly as he sunk into his seat, "my name is Loralie Malfoy" i smiled a fake smile and Neville said his name. "alright everyone now i want you to get to know your partner if you haven't already, after that you two will preform what your patronus is" i looked at the boy who was always nervous for his own reasons. "meet me in the astronomy tower for dinner" he nodded still not looking me in the eyes.

i sat with my friends in the Great Hall, "shouldn't you go meet up with Longbottom soon?" i finished eating, seeing the boy get up and walk out of the room. "i'll see you guys later" they both smiled and i walked out of Great Hall.

as i got to the Astronomy tower, Neville was sitting on the bench. "hey ready?" he nodded nervously, running his hands through his hair and getting his wand. i smiled and grabbed mine.

we stood across from each other and practiced for each other. "expecto patronum" Neville gasped as he saw some blue ghostly blob float around. i ran to my textbook and saw what it meant, "you don't have one Longbottom, you're special" he smiled at my words calling him special. he looked back at the blob and watched it just move around in the air "i'm special?" i nodded and stood next to him.

he turned and looked at me "what's yours?" i shrugged and pointed my wand in front of me and said the spell. nothing happened, blue sparks flew from my wand but nothing happened. "it says if you focus on your happiest memory it would start the patronum" i sighed and thought in my head.

thinking of that one day i was plastered at a christmas party and danced around with my friends on the rooftop of the ministry. i remembered how cold it was, shivers rushed down my spin. i lightly smiled and said "expecto patronum" blue sparks formed a figure in the sky, it was a Otter. Neville cheered for me and saw the otter swim around and chitter at me. "you're a otter like Hermione" i gave him a confused look, and he realized what he said and put his head down.

"no no what do you mean?" he looked away and fiddled with his wand "she was talking about it for dinner and she was saying how Ron Weasley was a jack Russel terrier and they were perfect for each other" i looked down at my hands and sighed. of course this would happen.

after that we walked down to the bottom of the Astronomy tower, "hey Neville if you need help for anything you can talk to me" he smiled and walked away the opposite direction. as i walked back to the Slytherin common room, i took the long way. "Lora?" i turned and saw the Weasley twins. "oh hi boys what is it?" they had worrisome on their faces which scared me.

"it's Ron he misses you" i sighed and held my books closer to me, "how would you know?" they both looked at each other then Fred spoke up "he talked about you more than Hermione the whole winter break" George nodded. as we turned the corner, Ron stood there. with flowers in his hands probably from Professor Sprout's garden.

he smiled at me, the twins moved out of the way and smiled.

i looked at them confused and stepped forward "Ron what is this?" i looked behind me, it was Hermione. she smiled as she stepped to the side, it felt like some wedding. "Loralie Cissa Malfoy would you be my girlfriend?"

i looked at Hermione who was happy, was it all a joke? why would he be inlove- wait a second Voldemort wanted me to think that. i smiled and nodded, wrapping my arms around Ron's shoulders and kissing him. "i should've never listened to Voldemort" i whispered in his ear as an apology. he squeezed my hand and felt around in his coat pockets for something.

Ron pulled out a small box, i gasped seeing it in a black box.

he opened it and it was a black band with a ruby in the middle. i gasped "how much did you spend on this?" it looked expensive. very expensive.

Ron smiled and just kissed me instead of an answer. i felt guilty but i was happy to be with Ron again. "i'll see you tomorrow my love" i kissed him again and walked to the Slytherin common room.

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