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as school started again everyone made it to the Great Hall for the assembly. Professor Lupin was being subbed out for some other professor which was sad but he would still be here. "welcome back or just welcome. i am headmaster Dumbledore, and i am proud to introduce a new professor. please welcome Professor Dolores Umbridge." everyone clapped for her as she walked up to the stage and was about to give her speech.

her pink clothes gave me some uneasy feeling.

"hello my fellow students. i will be your new defense against the dark arts professor, with the help of Professor Remus Lupin. i will make this school year and every one after that such a fun experience." i watched as she glared over at me, her eyes burning into my soul. "thank you all" as everyone clapped, i turned and looked at my brother "did you see that? she glared at me" Draco nodded and looked at Nora, "she looks evil" i nodded in agreement.

as we made it to charms, i sat with Ron and his friends. they didn't glare at me, only just smiling. "hi Loralie" i smiled and said hi to them back. Ron rested his hand on my thigh, slowly rubbing it.

the class went by easily since Flitwick didn't have anything to say than the new rules. "we will only duel when needed, Mr.Potter you will be learning better charms" i giggled as Harry's cheeks flushed to redness in embarrassment.

after class i walked with Ron to the garden since herbiology was next.

we sat in the garden and just enjoyed our company. "did you see the way the new professor looked at me when she gave that horrible speech" Ron laughed and nodded "she hates me already" i groaned and fell back. what did my father do? Ron got up and kissed me, "don't worry love she doesn't look so horrible" i rolled my eyes and gave him a look. "she hates me!" i complained.

the rest of the day went by easily. by the time everyone got back into their common rooms it was already lights out. "already? normally we can stay up until midnight" i shrugged and walked with Nora to our dormitory's. she complained about not seeing Draco longer but then just calmed down. "don't we have the Boggart thing tomorrow in defense against the dark arts?" i nodded sleepily.

Nora groaned loudly then laid down.

the next week i stayed in the dormitory longer instead of eating. i was stressed. why would Umbridge hate me before she knew who i was? as i walked to the classroom i took a sharp breath then walked in, some Ravenclaws were talking to Professor Lupin that stood off to the side. i slumped into my seat and took out my things. "tuff night sister?" i rolled my eyes at Draco and nodded "terrible"

after a couple minutes class started. Lupin stood in the front, his arms crossed behind his back as he spoke. "today we will be reviewing our Boggarts, if you don't know what they are. who can tell us what they are?" Hermione rose her hand, like always. "they are what you fear the most" Professor Lupin nodded and stopped talking when the door opened.

a pink figure walked in and stopped, walking down the aisle. "they will take whatever form or size of your greatest fear, now form a line come on" her preppy voice made me want to gag, why was she so happy?

everyone stood in a weird line, my friends stood around me wondering what their great fears were. Ron shivered as he knew who his was, spiders. what a girl am i right? i giggled as he told me he didn't want to attend his. "oh stop it Ronnie you'll be fine they'll save you" he sighed and squeezed my hand.

Poor Neville got scared of his Boggart, "no no i'm sorry Professor Snape" everyone laughed as he said "riddickulus"

it was finally my turn, i sighed as i walked up to the front. as Lupin started the spell, the wind picked up a grey cloud formed in front of me. a evil form of me stood in front of me, my eyes were black like smudged eyeliner. a evil smile plastered on my face. "hello Loralie" everyone gossiped, i'm scared of myself.

evil Loralie walked up to me, her long black nails grabbed at my neck.

"let free Loralie" were her last words as Professor Lupin pushed her away and sent her back."are you okay?" i nodded and looked at Ron, "you're okay" he mouthed at me. i breathed out and looked back at Lupin "i'm fine" he nodded and asked for the next person.

after class i walked with Ron, his hand holding mine as we walked to the Great hall for lunch. "what did she mean by "let free"?" i shrugged and thought about it. "maybe your father knows" i didn't want to talk to him. not now.

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