2. i'm felicity evans, right?

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It had been a day since her first memory and Felicity decided not to pressure herself in remembering. So there she was cooking lunch with Tonks who just got back from work. They were laughing and dancing around when a crack was heard.

Tonks smiled at Fel, "Stay here alright. Just gotta go see who it is." She said. Fel nodded and stirred the potatoes, Tonks told her that she was supposedly still missing so if there were any Ministry workers visiting Tonks they had a safe escape planned.

She heard talking and she peaked, she saw Remus and it hit her like a rock.

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The first years all jumped out of the boats and was guided inside the Great Hall by Professor McGonagall. Fel walked infront of Lils and a greasy haired boy. They were whispering to each other and Fel rolled her eyes.

There they stood and waited to be called. She watched as a black haired boy with grey eyes sat on the chair. He seemed nervous and she tilted her head. She heard whispers about the boy being in a family of Slytherins.

          Her eyes widened when he was sorted into Gryffindor

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Her eyes widened when he was sorted into Gryffindor. She saw the boy gulp, she furrowed her eyebrows but was snapped out of it when she was called. She walked up and smiled at her sister. The hat placed on her head and then it spoke to her. "How peculiar. It seems we have a soul bound in our hands."

She was confused because it was the black haired boy then her, she thought how silly the hat was. The hat chuckled, "Oh if only you knew. But you my dear you need a house. Hmmm, where to put you? It seems you are brave and hardheaded, you will make great things with the boy before you. How about, GRYFFINDOR!"


Felicity gasped and her eyes twitched, "Fel?" Tonks asked. She gulped, "I remember the sorting..." she said. Remus looked at her and she smiled, "I saw you again. Remus right?" she asked. The man nodded and grinned, Fel suddenly laughed, "We were so small. Wow." She whispered.

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