11. you all lied to me!

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Fel watched the owl fly away. Tonks arrived behind her and sighed, "Do you think that's smart?" she asked. The woman shrugged, "I don't know. But I feel like I had to." She said. She looked at the purple haired woman and sent her smile.

"He won't even know its from me." She said.

 Tonks sighed and nodded, "Well, Leigh will be here soon and I have to go

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 Tonks sighed and nodded, "Well, Leigh will be here soon and I have to go." She said. Fel nodded and snuggled in the couch, "I'll be here." She said. Tonks nodded and walked outside and apparated to Grimmauld.


Sitting on the couch was Sirius, he laughed as Fred and George sprayed itching powder at Ron. Molly fumed and the older man can't help but laugh harder. The woman glared at him and he almost choked on the tea.

"I'll be in the kitchen." He said. A few more Order Members arrived and he smiled at them. Sirius then heard tapping, Tonks tumbled in and almost fell on Remus. He chuckled at his cousin and let the owl in. The unfamiliar owl flew around the room and the members walked in.

Remus froze when he saw the owl and Tonks pursed her lips. "Well it seems you have a gift Sirius." Molly said as the owl landed in front of him. He furrowed his eyebrows and tipped the owl. The owl hooted at Tonks and then flew away.

Sirius didn't notice because he pulled off the cloth covering a small box. He gasped as he saw the old necklace that he was so fond of before. 

"Fel?" he asked

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"Fel?" he asked. He looked up at his best mate who was looking at Tonks intensely.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Sirius demanded. Remus and Tonks looked at him. He stood up and gripped the pendant. He glanced at it again, the daisy inside the glass still alive. "What is this? Remus, what the hell is this?!" he yelled. Everyone flinched and Sirius shook his head.

"Sirius relax." Arthur murmured. Sirius let out a bitter laugh, "I can't relax Arthur. This? This is Felicity Marie Evans' necklace. Me, James, Peter and Remus made these necklaces for the girls. Why is this here?" he asked.

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