10. he was an idiot.

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Fel laid on the ground of Leigh's backyard. The latter woman watched her from inside as she talked to Remus on the phone, "I'll call you if anything happens alright." She said. They talked and they didn't have any idea that she was bombarded by another memory.

She sighed and let the memory sink in. Closing her eyes she remembered.

 Closing her eyes she remembered

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A new year started, sixth year and nothing was normal. James and Lily had started to be friends, Regulus and Avani were broken up again, Lucius proposed to Cissy and Bella became crazier. Remus and Mary started hanging out more, Alice and Frank had a big fight and were not talking while Peter and Leigh became a bit closer than anticipated.

Marlene hasn't talked to Fel nor Lily and Sirius well, he had been acting weird towards Remus and everyone noticed. Fel on the other hand was getting paler and thinner. She still couldn't believe that one of her best friends could do that.

So she sat on the quiet corner of the library as she heard more whispers about Marlene and Sirius. She let out a sob and then a chocolate frog appeared in front of her. She looked up and saw Peter who was smiling at her, "Hello."

          She sent him a smile, the boy sat beside her and she laid her head on his shoulder

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She sent him a smile, the boy sat beside her and she laid her head on his shoulder. She cried quietly as Peter pulled her by the shoulders.

On the other side of the castle, Remus, James, Sirius and the girls were in the boys dormitory. "What crawled up your arse Sirius?" James asked. The Black scoffed, "Nothing. What is this, an interrogation?" he asked.

He looked at Marlene and she wasn't looking too good either. "You have a nerve talking like that Black." Lily growled. The boy looked at her and cringed, "After what you did to my sister-" Sirius let out a funny laugh.

"What I did? I just returned the favor-" he was cut off by Mary. "What the hell are you on about Sirius? You broke her. She loves you, you know and you just had to break her and with Marlene, of all people." She said.

Sirius froze but shook his head, "I don't believe you-" Remus then growled, "Then don't. I don't know whose wand is up your arse but you have to remove it, if not for me then for her because dammit Sirius she deserves more than how you're treating her right now." He said.

Everyone stared at Remus who was fuming. Sirius stood up and scoffed, "Really then go and console your girlfriend Remus." He said. Alice groaned, "Oh you guys are so dumb." She said. They looked at her and she sighed, "Remus and Fel aren't dating." She said.

The others nodded and Sirius looked at Remus. The werewolf raised an eyebrow at Sirius and the Black boy looked like he was about to breakdown. "I would never do that to you Sirius." He said.


Her memory was interrupted when a patronus appeared. She sat up and rubbed her aching chest. It was Tonks, "I have to stay here for a while. Something came up. Don't worry I'll be there tomorrow morning."

Fel sighed and walked inside as the silvery animal disappeared. She then entered the house and sat on the couch. She opened the journal and then gasped, a memory appeared in her head and it seemed like it wasn't even hers.



It had been a month and Fel, with all she could was never alone. She was either with the Calders, Maria or her Slytherin friends. She looked better thanks to Severus giving her a sleeping potion which gave her a bit color.

Sirius on the other hand was not doing good. He trudged through the corridors when someone pulled him to a classroom. He didn't look up, "Sorry I don't do that anymore-" he was cut off with a scoff.

"Yeah I wouldn't kiss you, I'm happy with Howard." A voice said. He looked and saw Maria and Lily. They were staring him down. He looked at Lily and he remembered Felicity. He let out a strangled breath. The girls gaze softened and Sirius closed his eyes.

"I messed up. Shit, I messed everything up. You know I had her right? We were on the right track, we were friends then best friends and I just had to ruin it." He said. He let out a breath and he cried. "Sirius-" he cut Lily off.

"No! I can't- I can't play this game anymore alright. I did this so I could make sure what I felt was real. I should have listened to Remus. Then after that I just wanted to see if she cared and James said it was a bad decision. And it was. And here I am!" he yelled. Maria frowned at her friend.

"I wanted to know if she cared you know. That night at the party when she helped me I wasn't really hammered. I proved that she cared but now. Nothing matters anymore. She doesn't even care anymore. I only do it because I thought she would stop me, I guess I'm stupid enough to believe that she cared." He sobbed and the girls watched as the boy in front of them broke even further.

That night was a full moon and the boys were all with Remus in their animagus form. Peter ran and played with Remus while James sat on his butt watching them. Sirius however was outside and Remus got tired of Peter.

He growled and Sirius peeked in. The wolf jumped in excitement and Padfoot came in. But he wasn't in the mood. He felt weak and he ignored Remus. The wolf got annoyed and pushed the dog.

The dog growled and the wolf growled back. Peter crawled to James who let the rat climb on his back. The two canines went at it, Sirius angry at himself while the wolf angry at his playmate. James pushed Remus but the wolf aggressively threw the stag away.

Sirius growled and bit Remus. They went at it until the wolf slashed the dog. Padfoot whimpered and it was like Remus saw and he backed down. He started hurting himself and Wormtail went and nipped at his paw and the wolf relaxed.

But on the other side of the shack laid an injured Sirius, Prongs looked worried and sighed knowing this won't end well for anyone.

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