17. mistakes of the past.

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That afternoon, Remus left and Sirius was now taking a shower. Fel however received a parcel and letter, both from Snape and Albus. She sighed, she opened Albus' parcel and she gasped, she knew that Sirius will take his time in the shower.

She grabbed the vial of memories and she sighed, she opened the letter and there at the old office of Orion Black she read the last message from the Headmaster.

Dearest Felicity Evans,

You my dear is something else. I already knew that you were the day the sorting hat told me that you will make great things with Mr. Black. I know I did not upheld my promise but here it is now.

I know that the moment you receive this I am already gone, and I understand if you hate me. I did not after all tell you of mine and Severus' plan. But nonetheless this is the part of my promise to you.

This vial holds the memories that I had last taken from you. Please make do of these.

Miss Evans, I am utterly proud of the woman you have become. Continue loving and trusting people, I trust your judgment very much. I am thanking the skies many times ever since Mr. Lupin told me you were alive.

You are needed again Miss Evans, that is why you're awake. Your nephew needs you, as all of we do. You will continue to do great things Miss Evans, I know it.

One last thing, the people who woke you, the woman is a powerful witch born in the place called New Orleans. The man, alive for a long time and a being of the dark, be wary. After all of this, I hope you can find them and say your thanks.

Do not be afraid Felicity, I am by all of your sides, always.

-A.P.W.B.D. your Headmaster

She looked up at the letter and sighed, she heard the shower still going and she rolled her eyes. Folding back the letter and placing the vial carefully back in the box she grazed her fingers at the letter of her once friend.

Shaking her head, she knew that if she didn't read it now, she wouldn't have a chance. She sighed and opened the letter first.

Dear Fel,

I know we are not in good terms. I understand, I have been an arsehole and I will forever apologize. When I heard about you I wouldn't believe it, I thought it was another of Albus' manipulative games but then you were there.

Standing in front of me, the same woman I had befriended. I must admit, I failed in protecting you and Lily. But I will not afford not giving your happiness back. I must warn you old friend, the memories you are going to remember will be the dark ones.

I apologize for anything that might have happened, but you deserve to remember them. No person deserves to have a chunk of their lives missing. You, Felicity Evans, is worth so much, and I had let you disappear.

You were always a good friend, no matter how much your boys hated me. You were there and I ruined it. I will always be here for you Fel. I'm sorry.

Be safe. And please, protect Harry. He deserves to know who you are. And one more thing, there is this student, Athena. She is one of a kind and she reminds me of you. Trust her, she's good. Fight Felicity, just like before.


She leaned on the back of the chair and sighed. She knew Severus made mistakes and she didn't know if she wanted to remember anymore. She grasped the parcel and opened, the familiar memory potion laid on it.

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