29. is it too soon?

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Fel stumbled into the door of Grimmauld with Tonks beside her. The two women had just finished their shift with the Order missions and were coming back. Remus, after the full moon stayed there with baby Teddy so the Lupin family was staying with the rest of them.

They walked inside to hear the occasional snores of a few members, a clanging in the kitchen and some murmuring. They walked to the kitchen and saw Remus swaying baby Teddy as he pulled the kettle off the stove.

The women chuckled and the man looked at them. "Oh look who it is Teds, mum and bully Fel." He said. Fel scoffed and walked to him, she cooed at Ted who slapped her face. "Very charming Teddy." She said.

Rem laughed as he handed the baby to Tonks who gave him a kiss. Fel scrunched her face and shook her head. "Anyway, where's Sirius?" she asked. Remus looked at her, "I think he was at Orion's old study." He said.

Fel furrowed her eyebrows, "What the bloody hell is he doing there?" she asked. Remus shrugged, "I don't know. The last he told me was he was looking for answers. He's been there for hours, no one can get him out. Maybe you should check on him." He said.

Confused, Fel nodded and thanked her friend. Smiling and cooing at Teddy one last time, she ventured upstairs and looked for Sirius.


          There in Orion's old study, Fel saw Sirius sleeping on one of the tables

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There in Orion's old study, Fel saw Sirius sleeping on one of the tables. Books were sprawled everywhere. She walked in slowly trying not to wake him. She smiled as she heard small snores from the sleeping man.

She chuckled and was close to him when she accidentally hit a book with her feet. She looked down as Sirius stirred. The book page caught Fel's attention. She crouched and the floor creaked, Sirius was starting to wake up but she didn't notice.

She grabbed the book and shocked at what she saw. Sleeping spells and curses around the world.

"Fel?" she heard Sirius ask. She looked up and let the book fall back on the ground, he watched her as she walked closer with a blank expression. She looked at the books and she let out a strangled breath. 

"What are you doing Sirius?" she asked

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"What are you doing Sirius?" she asked.

Sirius sighed and looked at her, "Listen-" she cut him off. "No. We talked about this. We are gonna live in the present. Not this, what are you doing?" she asked as she pulled the spell book from the table. Her eyes raked through the words and her heart was beating out of her chest.

"Felicity, I just wanted to know." He said. She groaned and closed the book. "Know what? What could possibly push you to this?" she asked annoyed. He sighed and stood up and walked to her.

She shook her head, "You know how I feel about this Sirius." She said. Sirius nodded, "I do. But I heard what you were talking about with Pepper and Nat-" she cut him off again.

"So you were spying on me?" she said. Her being upset was getting to her and Sirius knew that. He shook his head, "No I didn't mean to. It was just I was walking down and I heard you." He said.

"Then you know how upset I am with this whole spell thing. I don't need you to worry about it anymore." She said. Sirius scoffed, "Its my job to worry for you." He said as he threw his hands in the air.

She scoffed as well, "Well then I'm firing you in that job." She said. Sirius would have laughed but he knew she was upset. "Fel please I just wanted to help." He said.

Felicity shook her head, "I don't need your help! We're at war. The last thing we need is for us worrying about a lost cause." She said. Sirius shook his head, "You are not a lost cause!" he yelled. Fel shook her head, "Yes I am. Can't you not see that?!" she yelled.

Sirius grabbed her shoulders, "Listen to me. You are not a lost cause, whether or not we won't have kids is the least of my concerns now." He said. Fel shook her head and moved away from him.

"Listen to me Sirius, you always wanted a family. And if I can't give you that then I don't think- You deserve to be happy and I'm not that person to give it to you." She said. Sirius shook his head trying not to cry.

"Fel listen to me." He said as he walked closer. Fel walked back but she hit the wall, Sirius grabbed her again, "Look at me please." He said. The woman looked and was at the verge of crying, "I just got you alright? I will not lose you." He said.

"But the family-" he cut her off, "You're all the family that I need Felicity! Please, you have to see that." He said. Fel looked at him shocked, "You have to see that because I will not let you out of my grasp anymore dammit!" he exclaimed.

Fel shed tears and looked at him. Sirius was crying as well but let her go. "It may be too soon for us now, but, Felicity Marie Evans will you marry me?" he asked.

She froze and looked at the man, Sirius pulled out a velvet box and opened it, it revealed a diamond ring. "This is from Teddy Tonks, apparently Remus didn't accept this so he gave it to the next closest relative. So, will you?" he asked. 


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