the end.

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Hello Nocturnal Babes,

This is the official end of the third book of the series DESTINY.  I know there are a few scattered ideas here and there but I loved writing this book very much.

It took me a few tries to have the ending and this is this if the first time I wrote the demise of characters in my book but Felicity, Sirius, Tonks and Remus die of old age.

This book made ma squeal, jump around and smile to myself than any idea I have ever had.

I would like to say thank you to my sister Thea as always for listening to the stories and ideas about this series. To my best friend, MissVenna like always for hyping me up always. My dear friend cereseithne for supporting and being proud of me. I love you all very much.

My cousin Bianca for listening to my excited yells and jumps. My friends, Imari na dMaribeth of course for trying to understand my crazy ideas for my books.

I have been looking for the right words to say in this ending, finding the right and appropriate words to another ending of months of ideas and writing. Thank you for taking the time to read and voting for this series.

I know this book has a different style than the other ones but i actually enjoy writing it this way.

Thank you very much and book 4 is in the works and it will be out soon.

Thank you for keeping up with this series. For the mean time check out my reading lists and I will update with the book 4 soon.

I would like to give credits to J.K. Rowling for the Harry Potter characters, MARVEL Cinematic Universe for the AVENGER characters and Julie Pec for The Originals characters. The celebrities for the faceclaims, thank you.

Thank you babes, I hope to see you in book 4!

See you nocturnals.

-Issay (November 27, 2020)

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