33. saved by the dead.

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All around the battle, as they heard Athena's last goodbye, miracles were happening. People were being saved by golden dust and they were to thankful to even question it.

After fighting with Mulciber, Fel was pulled up her feet by Sirius as they ran back to the castle. With a fire of revenge in her heart she hit the death eaters and she didn't miss. They almost reached the Great Hall when they ran into a family.

 They almost reached the Great Hall when they ran into a family

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That familiar cackle made Fel's blood boil. Sirius pushed Felicity behind him and the woman let him. Her mind was still trying to find a logical explanation as to why her friend turned to be like that. Her thoughts were interrupted, "I should have finished you off cousin." Bellatrix said.

Felicity snapped out of it and growled, she pushed Sirius behind her and glared at the Lestrange, "I don't think so Bella." She said. She threw a spell and Bellatrix deflected it.

          The death eater let out a laugh, "Oh now I see where the Potter boy got that fire

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The death eater let out a laugh, "Oh now I see where the Potter boy got that fire." She said as they started dueling. Fel's eyes glancing at Sirius as he fought with Bella's husband. She threw spell after spell she had the upper hand but then Bella said something.

"How was the sleep Felicity? Did you know that I met those witches personally?" She taunted. Fel faltered but hit her again. Bella laughed, "Oh yes, the Claires. A part of the Ancestral witches, a family of Harvest witches, oh, the French Quarter coven of New Orleans." She said.

Fel stopped and blinked, Bellatrix laughed, "What? You thought that Lord Voldemort would just ask for ordinary witches. Oh no darling, he wanted the best and he wasn't wrong. You're stubbornness and the mercy and guilt of the last member of the coven is what saved you. Pity, you won't get to say thank you to her. She's such a sweet girl. You would have loved her. Davina was it." She said.

Felicity completely stunned was the moment Bella took the chance. "Bye bye Felicity Evans." She said with a smirk. She threw the spell, green light emitting from her wand. Sirius glanced and was about to run to her but the wind pushed them both away.

They landed on the ground next to each other. All of them shocked at what happened. Before the death eater couple could charge, Minerva and Filius arrived and the couple disappeared. The professors looked at the couple.

They looked at their arms and gold dust remnants were on them. Fel looked up at Sirius. The man pulled her to him and she sighed, "I was gonna lose you." He said as he nodded at the professors in thanks. They nodded and ran to the Great Hall.

The couple sat on the floor at ease knowing that even when Athena was gone she was still protecting them. Sirius let out a sob, Fel looked up and cupped his cheeks, "Hey. I'm right here." She said.

The man shook his head, "I almost lost you again." He said. She smiled, "I can never leave you. Bellatrix is right, my stubbornness is what saves me." She said. The man chuckled and nodded.

He helped her up and they looked at each other. They smirked, Sirius offered his hand and the woman grinned at him and placed her hand on his. "Let's fight Miss Evans." He said. The woman laughed and twirled her wand, "As long as I have you beside me Mr. Black." She said.

And with that they ran to the Great Hall and started to fight again.

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