30. it took them years.

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Fel stared at him and Sirius' heart stopped. He sighed and looked at the ring, "It was worth a shot." He said. He pulled back and started to walk away. 

She shook her head, "You're an idiot if you think I'll say no

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She shook her head, "You're an idiot if you think I'll say no." she said.

Sirius looked at her and she was smiling. He let out a laugh, "Well I'm your idiot so..." he joked. She let out a laugh and shook her head, "Please don't let me regret saying yes." She said.

The man laughed and walked to her, "You're serious about that?" he asked. She rolled her eyes, "I mean I am dating Sirius Black." She joked. He huffed and the woman laughed, she cupped his cheeks, "I am serious. I will marry you." She said.

He laughed and then pulled her in a kiss. She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. They chuckled and pulled away, "Here." He said. He got the ring out and put it in her ring finger.

She watched him with so much love that someone might think that he would melt. "It fits." He muttered. 

She laughed, "Were you worried?" she asked

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She laughed, "Were you worried?" she asked. Sirius laughed, "I was worried with too many things. Like if it would fit or would you like it, is it too flashy or I don't know you saying no." he said.

She laughed and cupped his cheeks, "I wouldn't say no. I mean, I've tortured you for too long." She said. He laughed and nodded, "True that darling." He said. She huffed, "You were supposed to disagree." She said with a pout.

He laughed again and kissed her, "I was kidding love." He said. They smiled at each other and Sirius pulled her closer to him. "Ready for a ride?" he said with a smirk. She furrowed her eyebrows and then the man put her in his shoulder.

"SIRIUS! PUT ME DOWN!" she yelled and he laughed, "No can do Fel. I'm not letting you go. Ever." He said. The team laughed as they walked out.

What they didn't know was friends from the other side was either smiling or crying. 

One man with glasses and messy hair was balling his eyes out

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One man with glasses and messy hair was balling his eyes out. The redhead looked at him, "Will you calm down?" she said as she pulled out tissues.

The man accepted and blew his nose. 

The girls scoffed, "Gross Potter

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The girls scoffed, "Gross Potter." Marlene said. Mary shook her head, "Honestly James. Relax, they're not dying." she joked. James shook his head, "Yes but, you can't really blame me. It took them years and now here it comes..." he couldn't finish what he would say when he cried again.

"Is he always like this?" Howard Stark asked. Maria scoffed while Lily rolled her eyes, "Unfortunately." Maria said. The women laughed and they shook their heads. They watched as Sirius fell and Felicity scolded him.

Tony was laughing at them while Morgan was putting her hands on her waist and scolding Sirius. Howard and Maria laughed at their family while James and Lily laughed at Remus who was looking so done with the couple.

Marlene grabbed Mary's hand when they saw Tonks enter with a sleeping Teddy. Mary however smiled at the couple and laid her head at Marlene's shoulder. The friends watched the group everyday, making sure Sirius didn't ruin anything with Fel and looking after them.

"I swear to Merlin, if Sirius ruins this, I will haunt him." Maria said. Lily and James laughed, "We're with you in this one Maria." Lily said as she watched her twin sister. She smiled fondly as her twin smiled and giggled at Sirius being stupid.

James watched her boys and sighed in content knowing that their having their shit together. 

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