Before you read

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Hello dearest reader!

If you're reading this, there are two possibilities.

It's either you've just stumbled upon my work for the first time or you've read one of my other books and decided to give this one a try.

Regardless of what the case might be, I'd like to say welcome!

Like a dotting mother with many children, I can say all my novels are special and distinct. Just as the plot and characters are different, so also is the setting and inspiration behind each book.

Unlike most of the other short stories and novels I've written before this (The Last Supper, Disturbed, and of course, Imprisoned by secrets), the protagonist of The Prophecy of the Black Day doesn't possess the strength and dominance my female leads are often associated with and of course, there is a reason behind this.

After concluding my last novel, I knew my next story wouldn't follow the same pattern. The weeks leading to the day I began this novel were tougher than you can imagine. I didn't feel confident or brave. I felt lost, insecure, and extremely confused.

Rather than trying to suppress all my pain, I poured it all into Selene. All the self-doubt and anxiety I experienced was reflected in her personality. By the time I'd finished, my first instinct was to hide her away.

I've never wanted to be seen as anything other than strong so seeing some of my weaknesses so boldly portrayed in a character terrified me more than I'd like to admit.

Luckily, I was able to discover that true strength lies in accepting your quirks and flaws rather than hiding and suppressing them.

I hope that you also discover this truth as we journey through this world together.

Yours till eternity and beyond.


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