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QUIRK: Tech support you can absorb technology and machines (you just call them both tech for short) to support you in battle. You can make them reappear on your body or turn a body part into it. You can also use tech while its in your body.

for example lets say you have a phone your can ether make it come out your hand, turn your hand into it or, answer the call from within your body like your brain.

The most offensive items you have right now are some wheels and exhausts from a motorcycle, some car parts like a engine and battery also a jackhammer got from a junkyard. you also have plenty of non offensive tech such as: your phone, earphones, speakers, portable game consoles, a TV, laptop, microwave, blender etc.

1. The technology and machines you absorb don't come off there stuck on you.

2.your quirk doesn't work in water

3.using to many or too big objects can cause muscle cramps in said area you use them in, the most you can form is two

4.its easier for you to absorb smaller objects than really big ones like a full car. So you take still working parts

5.lastly you can't form your tech on your body with major injuries such as cuts or broken limbs

uh hi I'm ECL-2K as you probably already read this is my first Wattpad story I'm writing so please don't expect triple A material. there will be errors and cringe but I'm gonna try my best to make this enjoyable.

I hope this inspires more hatsume x reader books. The most I see are really good but aren't longer than 10 chapters. If you wanna read a better my hero book check my recommendations and books I wish would continue. So long I'll see you in the first chapter.

Tech Support My hero academia x male reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now