Not You Being Dumb

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I am definitely starting this book from a request by an amazing person that reached out to me!

So, artemisalende here it finally is! I'm sorry it took long!

Welcome! Another x Reader with another character from my hero academia!

This one was tricky to come up with a plot but I made it.

The main characters in here all work at a store, and go studying at times. It is quirkless which means it won't follow hero things.

All characters 18 years old to make it fun 😏.

If any confusion overcomes you, feel free to comment!

Enjoy ~

On this day, humanity was given a grim reminder.

You were stupid as hell in your one and only life Jesus had gave to you.

Right now, Jesus was probably holding his forehead and rubbing his temples in disappointment up in heaven.

"How did you get a C+ on the test?" Your friend, Nen, asked while holding your short little exam in her hands.

"Give me that!" You angrily pouted and snatched the paper from her. "Damn okay, I didn't know you were the reincarnation of swiper no swiping." She huffed snickering at her come back.

You smacked your lips and rolled your eyes. "Oh shut up, go shove your feet in some boots. Besides it isn't even that bad." You spoke folding the crushed test.

Nen made an annoyed face. "Really? Not that bad, it was literally all multiple choice questions so you had a fifty fifty way chance. I can't believe it." She facepalmed stating clear facts.

"Well you better believe it baby. I'm going to be the next drop out. Not only do I have poor grades, if I open my wallet flies will fly out." You let out a heavy sigh.

Your friend shook her head in disappointment. "Does your mom not help you? Or your dad like you said over and over that they would?" Nen asked with a raised eyebrow.

"My moms always moving from place to place on business trips for her company's annual things. And my dads, a lost cause right now. He's just been drinking to ease stress from loosing the huge race." You thought of your busy parents.

Your dad is a race car driver. He would usually always have tournaments and face other players, if he wasn't racing he kept training.

He lost the chance of a golden medal and fell into sadness using drinking as a solution.

Your mother was a more sophisticated women. She was a business lady running for a barista company in Japan. The number one actually.

She always had to attend award ceremonies and test many coffee places along with beans. It was hard for her to keep up, but she managed to do it. It was harder for her to maintain family time.

"I still wonder how your such a nobody with your totally awesome parents. You know if you ever need help with studies you can always call me and join." Nen smiled at you covering up her words.

The glare returned onto your tired face. "Yeah I know I'm a loner shut up. And please I will not be joining you and your boyfriend at study sessions, you'll both just be all cuddly and disgusting." You made a fake gagging sound.

That gave Nen and idea, a smirk was placed on her face. "I think I know why your life is tied in knots Y/n, it's because your insides aren't." She gave you a smug look.

𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐗 ᝰ 𝐡.𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now