Vent about me being dumb-

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Ok so like, it's 3 AM where I am and I can't sleep at all. I've been thinking a lot and I feel really bad about something.

So, you know how in my old shitpost book I made that chapter about all the random stuff I saw on AO3?

I've been feeling guilty about making that chapter.....

Like, I feel like I shouldn't have made it period. Nothing happened to the authors for all I know, but still. I just feel guilty.

Usually whenever I'm on there I just look for stories with good descriptions and characters/ships I like, but my dumbass self is too lazy to read through the tags because sometimes they're the lengths of a novel printed out on one sheet of paper. But honestly I should have. I should have taken the time to learn wtf I was about to get into instead of click stories at random and then freak out.

I mean, I don't know what those authors are going through either. Maybe they're already getting a lot of backlash when they just wanted to write something dark and people like me just add salt to the wound. Maybe they don't care, but I don't know and that really makes me feel bad.

I don't even know where I'm going with this tbh I just feel really guilty and wanted to apologize. It's annoying when people complain about something without reading things like tags and I literally did just that when I made that chapter.

I'm sorry.

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