Rating twst chatacters based on how i think they smell

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For context, because something that bizarre deserves some sort of context, almost everyone has a unique smell to me. Usually it depends on where someone frequents, what they do, what they wear that emits string odors, etc., but I will say this:

I have a working theory that someone with a bad smell is a red flag, and I'm not just talking "smells like they haven't showered since the dark ages," I mean a naturally putrid smell.

However, this theory will not be put into practice in this post because I KNOW I'm gonna get hounded for saying "____ is sus and henceforth smelly bc evil" or some two dimensional bullshit like that. This is just something I wanted to mention in case someone has a weird sense of smell like me and wants to put my theory to the test. I will be judging the characters based off of the following:


Without further ado, I present to you all my ratings.

Riddle Rosehearts: 5/10. I'd give him a higher rating but I don't think he'd smell like much of anything. You could argue he smells like roses but whenever I'm smelling flowers, a lot of them don't have much of a scent other than pollen?? Idk maybe that's just me, I can smell lavender just fine after all.

Anyways he's clean but his mother didn't let him use any products that were too feminine or too masculine (bc why do men smell like concepts wtf is a "cool sports rush" supposed to smell like-?).

He uses products that get the job done, and maybe, MAYBE smells a little like whatever Trey was baking, but I doubt he'd frequent the kitchen that often for the scent to linger.

Trey Clover: 7/10. Man smells like either gingerbread, vanilla, cinnamon, or all three at the same time. No I do not take critiques

Cater Diamond: 2/10. It's not that he doesn't bathe or anything, but I know for a fact that man uses the most GOD AWFUL cologne and that shit lingers. But it's probably a trendy brand so he keeps wearing it like bro I'm not crying from jealousy I'm crying because the fUMES ARE GETTING IN MY EYES-

Deuce Spade 6/10. I only have one word to describe the way he smells: Spearmint.

Ace Trappola: 3/10. Man isn't 100% incompetent, he takes care of most of his hygiene. But he also roughhouses a lot and he does play basketball so I imagine he's really sweaty as well.

Leona Kingscholar: 2/10. The guy is depressed and you think he won't smell bad? Coming from someone with experience (me), depression smells like cat piss, and you know who's a giant cat? Leona. I'll cut him some slack though because I don't shower as frequently as a should either.

Ruggie Bucchi: 2.5/10. He gets half an extra point because I bet he showers routinely, but I also think that the smell of hot garbage has stuck to him his whole life. It's better now that he's living someplace with better living conditions (and soap), but I digress.

Jack Howl: 5/10. Showers routinely, but uses products that smell like concepts instead of real things. Instead of coming up with some bullshit concept, we're just going to say he smells like Old Spice and leave it at that.

Azul Ashengrotto: 7/10. That's as high as I'm going to go because I know he smells like fish, but I think he'd mask it well with decent products or magic. He's gotta pull off the classy look somehow, and he can't do that when he smells like he just got off a fishing boat.

Jade Leech: 7/10. It's the same as Azul, but I think he'd also smell like spearmint, similar to Deuce. It would cover up the fish stench better.

Floyd Leech: 1/10. Arguably the worst smelling cast member. He showers but he doesn't give a shit about covering up the smell of fish, and he would reek of sweat too. Might smell like blood at times as well, depends on the circumstances, someone lock this bitch up.

Kalim Al Asim: 9/10. He smells like warm, savory spices. I have to dock a point though because he needs Jamil for everything and during the masquerade event, he has to spell out where everything is INCLUDING towels, so if Kalim doesn't know where the towels are idk if he'd know where the soaps and shit are either.

Jamil Viper: 8/10. He smells like spices as well, but more spicy than Kalim. He doesn't have fancy products so I think the spicy smell is more of a natural smell, but while he showers daily, he also showers later than the rest and that makes the smell of stuff like sweat stain his clothes and linger.

But his cooking is really good so I think that smell helps cover everything up as well.

Vil Schoenheit: 3/10. Y'all will call me crazy because Vil DOES have a routine, but here's the thing: Perfume all smells the same to me, and it's all really overpowering. Being near Vil would be my equivalent to entering Sephora and running into Sephora kids who have knocked over all the perfume bottles and caused mass leakage.

Fucking Sephora kids.

Rook Hunt: ???/10. He says in one of his birthday lines that he doesn't like things that give off strong smells such as garlic, but that's because it can give him away when he's hunting. So miraculously, I think he wouldn't smell like anything?? This man is an enigma idk what you want me to do 😭.

Epel Feilmer: 2/10. Before joining Pomefiore he smelled like cow shit and apples. After joining Pomefiore he began smelling like strong beauty products and apples. No improvement whatsoever, my eyes and nose hurt, this is abuse.

Idia Shroud: 1.5/10. He showers only because Ortho nags him to, and his showering habits are probably like mine tbh. Yes this can count as a self callout but cut me some slack in trying my best-

Anyways, he's like Leona and smells like depression. So he smells like cat piss. I don't make the rules folks.

Ortho Shroud: 1/10. I don't know what this guy runs on, but machines stink so therefore Ortho probably stinks. Not his fault though, I don't think he can shower unless he wants to die a second time 💀.

Malleus Draconia: 7/10. I'm getting strong campfire vibes from him. Something that's a mix of a campfire and pine, but smells really good. I need the man to tell me his secrets to smelling this good 😭

Lilia Vanrouge: 1/10. Sus smells galore. My first thought was that he would smell something like an antique store, but then I remembered his cooking and had to dock points 💀.

Silver Vanrouge: 7/10. He would fall asleep in the shower if he could. Actually that sounds like something he'd do, so he's extra clean. But I don't know what he'd smell like other than lavender, so this is as good as his rating will get. I won't go any higher because he's part of the equestrian club and let's be real, as much as we love horses, they smell awful.

Sebek Zigzavolt: 3/10. At least he smells better than Lilia. But factors like sweat come into play too so r.i.p

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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