A drabble for Rook's bday

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You paced nervously up and down the hallways of the pomefiore dorm, all decorated will classic party decorations such as streamers and balloons, but they all looked so elegant with golden swirls and extra details, proof that the pomefiore dorm could have fun while maintaining their prim and proper reputation as well.

But back to you, in your hands was a box, which was almost average sized, but small enough so you could hold it in one hand. It was colored a royal purple with a little bow and arrow painted on top by you. 'The cardboard was flimsy and could collapse easily, but hey that's the best you could do as a college student.

'Will he really like it? I spent so long making this just for him.....' you thought, looking at the box with doubt. Sure Rook appreciated all forms of beauty, and weren't acts of kindness beautiful in their own way? Did those even count? What if he somehow missed the message you wanted to give him? Missed the feelings you were trying to show? How could you be so sure this all wouldn't just backfire and explode in your face-?

"Y/n? Why aren't you with everyone else?" You gasped, turning around to see Rook there, who must have came out of no where. "Oh-Rook! Uh-great to see you! Happy birthday!" You sputtered our, trying to hide the box behind you. "Oh? Is that a gift?" He asked, getting straight to the point and pointing at the box you were trying to hide. You nodded shyly, and took a deep breath.

"Rook, before I give you your gift, I need to tell you something important...." you said, shuffling in place a bit. He nodded, waiting for you to speak.

"Rook......." you started, leaning in close.

"I like your cut G."


You slammed the box against his face, the cake inside smearing against his face, leaving Rook shocked.

You ran away giggling like a mad man before he could start chasing you. Happy birthday to Rook indeed.

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