Bada ba ba ba, I'm lovin' it (not)

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It's 1 AM for me and I have twst on my mind but like....nothing to make a proper post about.

It's been like, four months since I updated this book and I gotta say, I'm disappointed in myself for this. I thought taking a break and working on other projects would help me get ideas when I returned, but here I am four months later and I got the same creativity levels as a white crayon.

I can't think of any prompts

No au's


Tbh Danganronpa and Genshin have been living in my mind rent free, but I'm struggling to even update those shitpost books. And my rp book has become a chore for me too. I don't know what's holding me back from writing, and I hate having all these ideas but nowhere to take them,

I'm not going to close the book or anything, god no. I just felt like I should make a post so y'all can finally know wtf is up with the author and see that no, I'm technically not neglecting the book. I just have a serious case of writer's block.

Send help plz

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