How to beat the dorm leaders in a fight (crack)

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Riddle: Tie his hands behind him back and punch the s*** out of him. He's got the physical strength of a twig so even if he could fight back it wouldn't matter. Be careful if he's wearing his heels though, or that's gonna leave a mark

Leona: Ima take him to the vet to get him neutered. While he's crying in pain I'll yeet him off a cliff

Azul: Ima sing "Le Poissons" as I march my way to his room, and then stuff him in an octopus pot and boil him alive. By the time he gets out I'll be able to beat the s***out of him

Kalim: I'll have him do all of Jamil's chores on his own. Knowing him it's gonna backfire (literally) and then his mess is going to do the work for me.

Vil: I'll lock him in a room with his fan base and the twst fandom and that's sure to traumatize him enough to where he's too scared to fight back-

Idia: I'll take him to an amusement park and abandon him there. His anxiety is gonna go 📈 and then I'll jump him

Malleus: Easy.

I'm gonna get on my knees and pray to god.

You thought I was stupid enough to actually fight him-?

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