RSA headcanons that are totally canon fight me-

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Dang I haven't updated in three days. I know that's not very long but for me, that's a new low.

My only excuse is depression so I made these to hopefully world build RSA some more, and to cheer myself up.

•Neige gets along with the beastmen of the school very well

•That being said, Che'nya and Neige are best friends. If not best friends, then just regular friends.

•Neige can bake some killer apple pies (Maybe literally if he is two-faced)

•Farena attended RSA and sometimes drops by for a visit

•Che'nya is the class clown, but not in a "inconvenience for the teachers" kind of way.

•Neige can hit a whistle note. It doesn't matter how good you are at singing if you can't hit a whistle note then you are beneath him and you better worship the ground he walks on-

•Rielle has a fork collection

•The only reason Che'nya gets away with sneaking off to NCR is because he's dorm head/vice dorm head of his dorm.

•Rielle has a pet fish (who is totally based off of Flounder)

•Che'nya paints his nails. Neige probably does the same. I could totally see these two painting each other's nails tbh

•The only memes on Neige's phone are soft memes.

•Rielle will fist fight you for a fork-

•Che'nya gets stuck in trees sometimes

•Did I mention Rielle is obsessed with forks?

•Che'nya gets Rielle and Neige to do stupid shit like riding down the highway in a shopping cart-

•Don't ask how he manages to convince them.


•F o r k s. Rielle likes them.

•If you offer Rielle a spoon instead he will throat punch you

•If you give him a spork he will be unsure weather to thank you and punch you, so he'll cry instead.

•Neige is the kind of person to like all his commenter's comments (unless they're hate comments), and if he has a YouTube channel, he hearts all of them.

•RSA probably has a dorm equivalent to Ramshackle, except they take decent care of it so it meets health regulations. Just in case they had any transfer students!

•RSA has a counselor. I feel like that's their trump card against NCR.

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