Gods AU

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So this was something me and MoonRose45 collaborated on, but my dumbass self never published it on the old book, so now I'm re-writing it here and I am DETERMINED to publish it today, even though I have to write everything all over again.

So here we go!

I hope you like Greek mythology

And for context so I could fit in their backstories and have that all make sense, some of these guys were once mortal but were turned into gods

And I may or may not be improvising with some of these-

Riddle Rosehearts, God of royalty and execution

•Riddle is a incredibly strict god, with harsh punishments to those who refuse to follow his orders (*CoUgH* Ace) and due to being the god of royalty, he has a high status amount the other gods and tends to get the best of the best when it comes to offerings

•There's a myth surrounding him and Ace, but the tale gets twisted around between royalty and the commoners. Ace had stolen a tart from Riddle's temple. Royals said it was out of malice and it was to insult the god, commoners day he did it out of spite and jealously, some say he was just hungry. Either way, Riddle was furious.

•He has Trey trick him and trap him in a bronze vase, where he faced his trial. Deuce managed to get him out of a worse fate, but he still got a bad punishment of being thrown into a volcano. The end!

•His preferred sacrifices are strawberry tarts (there's a rumor saying he burned down a kingdom when he was given a chestnut tart instead), roses painted red to symbolize royals putting in effort to lead their countries, and hedgehogs. He likes hedgehogs.

Trey Clover, god of servants and common folk

•Surprisingly, Trey is a well respected god, even among royalty.

•The royals believe that if they treat Trey with respect and kindness, he'll make sure they have no revolutions or rebellion in their kingdom.

•The only times he really makes appearances in myths is when he's with Riddle so that's sad for him-

•His preferred sacrifices are sugar violets (was that what they were called?), pastries made by hand, and non-deadly potions. (Often times little kids make "potions" for him. He accepts them gratefully)

Cater Diamond, god of trickery and fame

•Cater is probably one of the flashiest of gods, let's be real here.

•Often times he's mingling with mortals (*CoUgH*) or eagerly keeping up with whatever trends the humans have came up with.

•He has a thing for mirrors, similar to Vil.

•His preferred sacrifices are spicy foods, outfits from the latest trends, and pictures of him.

Ace Trappola, god of thieves

•God of thieves, Ace is a tricky one.

•He also mingles with mortals, but instead of having some of that kind of fun he pulls heists and robs people with other local thieves-

•Don't try to get him to confirm which version of the tart myth is true. He will smite you on the spot. Kinda a embarrassing topic for him.

•His preferred sacrifices are cherry pies, and anything stolen like money and tarts-

Deuce Spade, god of efforts and kindness

•Once a brutal and terrifying god, Deuce has been trying to turn over a new leaf.

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