Scars (Azul x Male Reader)

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"He's so beautiful"

"Why does he have a new boyfriend every week?"

"Why does he style his hair that way?"

"Will he go on a date with me one day?"

You ignored the whispers as you passed by the gossiping students in the hallway. You had no time for them, you needed to get to alchemy. After all, you were at the top of your game. You couldn't slack off just yet.

Your name was (Y/n) (L/n). You were the talk of the school. The hot guy/love interest in the protagonist's science class. The flirt of the school. The guy everyone believed they had figured out but never actually did, despite the fact you've dated practically a third of the students in your grade level.

Yes, you were a puzzle. A puzzle everyone always seemed to be close to finishing, only to find out some pieces didn't fit together.

No one knew the true you and you were determined to keep it that way. You didn't want them to know even the little things, like why you were so reserved, why you avoided certain areas, or why you always wore a mask to cover your mouth and just about anything below the nose. . It was all for the best.

But there was one man you wanted to talk to about these things.

Azul Ashengrotto. He was your classmate, and the source of your affections. He was beautiful, but not quite vulnerable. He was power, success, and you fell for him. You hardly knew the guy and you were head over heels in love with him. So much love, that it scare you.

After all, last time you were in love, it didn't end well.

"Ah, (Y/n)-kun! Good afternoon." Speak of the Devil. There he was. He approached you so calmly, as if you were both best friends since childhood. But you weren't. You barely knew each other apart from your names. "Afternoon Ashengrotto." You smiled, not like he could see due to the surgical mask you wore. "You have alchemy with me, correct?"

"Yes, I do. Let's continue our way now." He said. (Gfd I can't be smooth AHHHHH-)


Another day done. You grabbed your bag and was just about to head out the door before you felt someone grab your shoulder. "Just a minute of your time (L/n)-kun." Azul said. You turned to him, the mask helping with hiding the faint blush on your cheeks. "Yes?" You asked. He smiled and handed you a flyer. "Drinks at the Monstro Lounge have a 10% discount this week. Don't miss it." He said, before walking right past you. You stared at the flyer, your hands shaking a bit.

But something caught your eye.

The flyer was blue, and a rather dark blue at that. Not surprising due to the ocean theme the Octavinelle dorm had, but there was a note on the bottom written in bright red.

'Meet me in the VIP room. We'll have all the privacy we need.'

You nearly got a nosebleed from just the thought of what he was implying


"You want to go on a date with me?!"

Okay so he wasn't inviting you over for a hook up. He was actually going to treat you to dinner first.

"Yes. I enjoy your company and I believe we would be a fitting pair for each other." Azul said, sipping his tea at his desk. "Will you accept my offer?"

"I-uh-we'll um-" well there goes your calm facade. Azul was staring at you expectedly, waiting for an answer. You could feel your heart thumping wildly, you felt like a rabbit in a hunt, hyped on adrenaline. You gulped, you had to take this chance. You did like him after all. "What I'm trying to say is yes." You said. Azul smiled, a real one instead of a formal one. "Perfect. We can have our first date sometime next week. I'll clear my schedule for whatever time you're free if needed." He said.

Oh boy.


Things were perfect.

Too perfect.

Azul was the best boyfriend you could imagine. He didn't see you as some sort of item or prize to win, he wasn't too possessive, but just the right amount so you knew he cared. You felt like you won the gay lottery!

But this was exactly how that relationship happened.

Right now you were in the Octavinelle showers, sitting down and thinking. Steaming water was pouring down on you and forming puddles, but you paid almost no attention to it.


You were staring at your reflection. Your hair was in your face, but you could see your face clearly. The scar he left you, how it ripped your left cheek right open and tore through a little of the left one as well. You could see your back teeth through your cheeks, which was greatly discomfiting.

'I look hideous.' You thought. You wanted to tear your eyes away but you couldn't. Memories of that day was flashing through your mind.

'Let me go! I said we're done! I can't handle you're two faced behavior, I found someone better! Let me go-'

'SHUT UP. Shut up you stupid two-timing man-hooker! You really think he likes you? He'll NEVER see you the way I do! All he sees in you is your looks-'

'that's not true-'

'NO. I'll show you.'

'W-what are you doing?! But those scissors down!'

'No! I'll show you! I'll show you the only thing people see are your looks! Without me you'll be alone forever! No one is going to want someone like you once I get finished with you!'

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" You didn't even notice you were crying until you hear the knocking on the door. "You've been in there for almost an hour, is everything okay?" Azul asked, peeking in while averting his eyes. You buried your face in your arms, sniffling. What if he was right? Did Azul really only see your looks?

"Azul, come here." You said, not looking up. He hesitated, not liking your tone, but nodded and walked inside, shutting the door behind him.

"Azul, do you think I'm beautiful?" You asked. He nodded. "Of course." He said. You took a deep breath. It was now or nothing.

You looked up at him, watching as horror struck his face. "What about now?" Your voice cracked, wiping away a few tears.

Azul got to his knees and pulled you close. "Of course. You will always be beautiful to me. No matter what scar you gain, or how you got it. No matter how you style or dye your hair, what clothes you wear, how much you weigh, you will always be gorgeous to me." He said. Running his fingers through your soaking hair. You were shocked. 'He was lying. Azul doesn't see me for my looks....!' You thought.

More tears came flooding in as you broke down crying, holding Azul as close as you could. But these tears were different. These were happy tears. Tears of acceptance. Tears of love. A love that you could tell would last for the rest of your days.

Hope this came out okay, I was trying to be serious but it usually comes out cringed whenever I do.....

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