Because apparently this has to be re-established

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Seriously wtf is wrong with this fandom.

I said it once, I'll say it again.


Idc if it's your Mc or a canon character, if they are a student, THAT IS STILL PEDOPHILIA. CREWEL IS IN HIS 30's. There have been literal accounts of younger people who dated older people, who ended up regretting it because it wasn't healthy, they were isolated from friends and family, and ended up with extra trauma.

Not to mention there are organizations out there who are ACTIVELY TRYING TO MAKE PEDOPHILIA LEGAL. That is a REAL issue, and when you ship shit like Crewel x Jack, YOU ARE NORMALIZING IT.

"But they aren't even real!" I hear you whine. THAT DOESN'Y CHANGE THE FACT THAT THROUGH SHIPPING IT, YOU ARE NORMALIZING PEDOPHILIA. Idc how "cute" you think Crewel x Jack is, JACK IS A FUCKING 16 YEAR OLD BOY. Yes that is rather old, BUT IT IS STILL YOUNG ENOUGH FOR HIM TO BE EASILY INFLUENCED. For fucks sake he looks up to Leona of all people, if it wasn't for the fact that Leona was actively hurting people in his chapter, he probably would have helped him with anything. You really think he's incapable of being easily influenced?

"But if you read stuff like Yandere, you have no room to talk! Yandere's are illegal too!" First of all, NO ONE IS TRYING TO NORMALIZE YANDERES. THERE ARE PEOPLE TRYING TO NORMALIZE PEDOPHILIA. Yes both are illegal in real life, but on one hand ONE IS A REAL LIFE ISSUE WHILE THE OTHER IS A FUCKING TROPE. Plus yandere's are written in a unhealthy light to show that YANDERE'S ARE BAD. THEY ARE UNHEALTHY. THEY ARE KILLERS. But is Crewel x Jack written in an unhealthy manner? Nope. It's written as a cute couple ship that's dealing with "forbidden love."

"Crewel x Jack isn't that bad! There are literally people who ship Cheka and Leona!" BOTH ARE EQUALLY BAD. One is a literal 5 year old with his uncle and the other is a 16 year old with a man in his 30's. When you say there are worse ships, that doesn't mean that yours is automatically okay. You are still normalizing pedophilia.

"It's my opinion, I should be able to ship what I want!" Okay how do I put this gently, uh-Mother fucker I don't give a shit what your opinion is. YOU ARE NORMALIZING PEDOPHILIA FOR GODS SAKE. You are romanticizing SOMEONE'S TRAUMA. You are normalizing something that if it was irl, you would probably stand against. You are normalizing something that has ENTIRE ORGANIZATIONS THAT ARE TRYING TO MAKE IT LEGAL. Don't you think that this is what they would want? For pedophilia to be normalized? DID YOU EVEN STOP TO THINK PERIOD?!

God dammit it is six in the morning for me it is too early for this bullshit. Yet for SOME REASON, this has to be established again.

Don't ship Crewel with students kids, weather it's a Mc or a canon character.

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