Yall ugly *poof* (Crackfic)

363 21 16

Once again, I got bored.

Also this takes place mid-training camp in chapter 5 just for some context-

You genuinely could not take it anymore.

Once again Epel was bitching about his skincare routine, which in turn made Vil act even more strict and slowly, his stern tone was rising into what would be considered a yell for him. Rook was only adding fuel to the fire by encouraging Vil, saying he was doing this for Epel's own good and it would help him in the long run, which made Epel even angrier, and thus the cycle went on.

In the kitchen, Jamil was screaming due to there being a roach infestation, and you could hear the clanging of what you assumed was a frying pan against every object in there, and Kalim was trying to help by drowning them with his unique magic. Of course, that backfired and now the kitchen was flooding, and the roaches were floating in the water too so now they were spreading throughout the house.

And what about the dumbass duo that is Ace and Deuce you may ask? They were at the top of the stairs, arguing about god knows what. It started with them bickering about kicking each other in their sleep, to how horrible they were at picking up after themselves, and now it was just full on arguing about who was the worse roommate.

Was this really how it was going to end? Stuck in a magical universe with your sanity flushed down the drain, living in a roach infested house of idiots?

No. It was time you stood your ground, so taking a deep breath, you cupped your hands together and screamed. "STOP! That's enough! All of you shut the fuck up!" You yelled, causing all the chaos to come to a stand still as the boys looked at you in shock.

"I can't take this anymore. You want to use this place as a training camp? Fine. But I'm leaving. Good luck trying to figure the place out, I'm the only one who knows the tricks to this place! Y'all can't even run the tap water correctly without me!" You yelled, pointing your thumb to yourself.

Ace and Deuce surprisingly got over the initial shock right away, but both still looked betrayed. "Eh? You're leaving?" Ace asked, almost in denial. "But why?" Deuce asked, hurrying down the steps to approach you. You merely stared up at him with disinterest.

"Because. Y'all ugly."

With that you disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving everyone in shock.

"Did....did she just teleport?!" Jamil asked, expression twisting to one of shock. "Oh oh! Did she gain magic somehow?" Kalim asked, excited despite the unfitting time.

"Wait a minute." Vil interjected, seeing a piece of float down to the floor once the smoke cleared out, beginning to soak up the water on the ground. With his heels clacking against the hardwood floor, he walked over and picked up the paper, squinting to read the now ink-stained paper.

"Btw, watch out for Steve. He gets cranky when water drips into the basement.


"Who in the name of the great seven is Steve?" He asked, dropping the paper.

A loud bang came from underneath them, followed by a unholy screeching.

Looks like they were about to find out.

Oh fuck.

Idk where I was going with this but I had fun lmaolmaolmaolmao

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