Locker room differences (crack-fic)

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For the sake of this chapter, let's say in my magical perfect writer world, Crowley allowed girls to attend.

And for more simplicity, I'll just make my Oc's girls so we have characters for the girls locker room

"Alright! Class is over! You guys get changed!" Vargas yelled. A sigh of relief washed over the class, and soon the two genders all divided and went into their respective changing rooms.

In the girls room, Willow, Rika, Adele, Eira, and you (who was gender neutral and was allowed to use whichever changing room you wanted) were currently listening to Okella as she started to go off on a rant. "I just want to know why I can't wear a two piece bikini to SWIM CLASS." She yelled, clapping for extra emphasis. Willow and Eira both nodded in agreement, while you, Rika, and Adele all shared a "for real?" Look.

Meanwhile in the boys room everyone was ducking for cover because somehow, Floyd got a hold of a gun. "EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Ace cried. Hiding under one of the benches as Floyd began firing away. "HE'S SHOOTING!" Kalim cried, hiding in a locker

"Oh my god-Who stuck a pad on the wall?" You asked, crossing your arms and staring at the list of suspects, aka, the other girls. No one spoke up, so you shook your head in disappointment.

Back in the boys room, Epel was trying to pick a fight. "You act like I won't fold you like a beach chair!" He yelled, standing on his tippy toes so he could get up in Leona's face. Leona looked down on him, then punched him in the face, causing Epel to fall over.

"GUYS ISSAC JUST TEXTED ME!" Rika yelled, the red blush on her face contrasting with her pale skin. You all hurried over to look. "What do I Say?? What do I say?!?" She asked, obviously nervous. You giggled at her awkwardness.

In the boys room, Ace was whirling a shirt, before aiming a smack to Deuce's back. Only issue was, he smacked the wrong person. Che'nya appeared in front of him and got smacked in the ass. "I'm not even in the right school...." he said, rubbing where he was struck. Ace bluescreened, trying to figure out how the hell he got in.

"I swear to God Vanessa is always throwing shade at me, and I swear one of these days, I'm going to rip off her weave, and those fake eyelashes." Eira practically laughed at the idea of that, causing the rest of you guys to laugh as well. What a sight that would be.

Back in the boys locker room, Cater was trying to do the renegade. "Am I doing this right?" He asked. No one said anything, they just mourned their lost sanity.

"I'm sick of Mr. Vargas' four foot, three hundred pound self making us run, I'm sick of it." You grumbled, rubbing at your sore legs. Everyone except Willow nodded in agreement, then again, she was a rabbit. She had a advantage.

Meanwhile Kalim was screaming into the void. "I still don't know how to download Minecraft for free!" He wailed. Jamil facepalmed. This was literally the least of their concerns right now.

"How do my leggings look?" Okella asked, kicking up a leg to make it easier to see. "You just wanted to show off didn't you?" You deadpanned.

"EVERYONE ONE V ONE ME IN SPIN THE BOTTLE. EVERYONE IN HERE." Floyd ordered, causing everyone to tremble in fear (especially Riddle. He just knew Floyd would pick him first.)

"When I throw it back is it fast enough?" Eira mumbled the lyrics of that song as she did the face along with it, recording it. You and Adele looked at her in disappointment.

"Make some room in the shower boys, I'm washing backs tonight." Ace said, intruding on Deuce, Jack, and Sebek in the showers, causing Sebek to shriek in fear.

"Come here girl, lemme touch up on ya!" Eira sang with Okella as they danced, dragging poor Willow into it. You, Adele, and Rika all hid behind one of the lockers to avoid getting dragged in too.

"And today's the day I get my revenge!" Ruggie cried, taking one of his shoes and throwing it at Rook. Rook however, saw it coming, and dodged, grabbed the shoe, and threw it right back, hitting Ruggie in the face. "Aye! Por que?!" He cried.

And then the bell rang, and everyone walked out in uniform and chatting happily, as if nothing had happened.

To save my sanity from having to write my boys names wrong:

Okella: Okello

Willow: William.

Adele: Adiv

Rika: Riku

Eira: Eiji

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