Tiny vent-

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So this is something I've noticed a lot in some twst fics, and it drives me i n s a n e

What's up with the amount of sexism portrayed in the stories?

Now I don't mean that the writers of whatever fic I'm reading are straight up saying "women are inferior to men!" They're not doing anything remotely like that.

I mean that they portray sexism that's....kinda unrealistic in my opinion.

Like for example, there's sexism in a royal court full of people who believe that the Queen should stay quiet and not do anything simply because she's a woman, and here's the kicker.

The court is from the Land of Thorns.

A kingdom ruled by Maleficent.

A woman.

Who is arguably the most powerful out of the Great Seven

Now I get it, sexism is absolutely a big deal in real life. Just a few years ago women in Saudi Arabia gained the right to drive. But what it feels like is that people forget that the world of twisted wonderland is not like our world. This is a world where cats breath fire man, c'mon.

And even when you ignore that part, it still doesn't make sense because the great seven is mostly made up of women. Women who got credit for their actions. Women who are idolized by boys and girls alike. Women who are seen as strong leaders. If those kinds of people are still worshiped throughout history, why would there be sexism knowing that it would probably be a direct insult to some of their greatest leaders?

I mean seriously, only three of the members of the great seven are male! THREE! And even then one of the countries that one of them ruled has barely any sexism.

Now, this is just my opinion. I couldn't care less if you want to write a hierarchy that's more like the ones we have. But to me, it just makes no sense and it feels like they were only added to create ✨drama✨ in fics. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk

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