Because I have a lot of feelings, ok?

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Idc that no one commented about the Mc attending RSA AU thing I'M WRITING IT ANYWAYS

•When Mc first arrived, it was a shocker for everyone. The teachers weren't sure of what to do, so they kept her in RSA's own version of Ramshackle. Which was in good condition so it could meet health standards.

•Mc's squad consists of the following characters:
•Malo (He's an Oc. Obviously it's not canon but you have him in your squad if you want)

•Neige tries to keep you a secret so you aren't dragged into all the celebrity drama he has to deal with, like cancel culture, and interviews.

•Mc gets into trouble still and 99% of it is because Che'nya dragged them into it

•Che'nya is the new Grimm in this situation

•Mc usually goes with Che'nya when he visits NCR, so they're familiar with the students there.

•Ace and Deuce wouldn't be friends because Mc wouldn't be there to unite them.....

•Che'nya taking Mc with him when he's visiting NRC is actually helpful, because they're still able to help with the overblots

•I mean sometimes they're weeks late but who cares?

•Rielle is totally willing to take Mc to his kingdom over any breaks (except winter) and it totally isn't because he wants them to teach him how all the junk he has stored there works-

•Up to you if you go with Rielle or not

•If Neige is two-faced then we got a couple of options here. Either A) He's part of the squad and then gets kicked out, or B) he's not part of the squad period. Ain't nobody got time for that.

•Mc once gave Rielle a fork and he was happy. To experiment, they gave him a spoon and he throat punched him. Then they gave him a knife and well......

•Never again will you give him a knife.

•Mc has probably met Farena at some point. I'm pretty sure he acts like the cool uncle type, so it was probably either really fun, or incredibly awkward for them.

•I've seen a few posts saying Neige is a prince, and if he is let me tell you, you are set for life

•Like, lets say you couldn't find a way home. You got two prince best friends who would totally let you live with them, and probably wouldn't ask for too much in return. Maybe you get to work along side them as well!

•"my lord, what exactly is Mister/Miss Mc's role here?" A royal asked, shuffling in his seat after you had nearly openly outed him and a little scheme of his to turn things in his favor and have him be benefitted more. The prince looked him dead in the eye with a smile. "They're the royal best friend. An incredibly important role."

•Overall I kinda wish Mc ended up in RSA instead but I'll make due with this AU-

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