MoonRose45 part 3

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What you're looking at here ladies and gentlemen is another one of Moon's attempts to defend herself from the "bullying" she's getting

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What you're looking at here ladies and gentlemen is another one of Moon's attempts to defend herself from the "bullying" she's getting.

Moon over here thinks Neki is taking advantage of us and is doing this all for fame. She says she's taking the roleplay's out of context, she's saying WE sent HER death threats, but here's the thing:

She literally posted a chapter about it.

She made a chapter on her "book of randomness" that said shortly after announcing the Phantom of the Ophera AU for twst and that she would be recruiting people for help, people were sending her death threats out of no where. And this was shortly after our argument when I called her out for lying about her age on tumblr to look at 18+ content. If I could post a screenshot I would, but Moon couldn't handle that I had evidence against her with these screenshots and blocked me :)

As for why we suspect those threats were fake:

Come on. Y'all saw the previous chapters.

She's lied about every f*cking story she told me for pity. She twisted the stories of what happened fo Neki to make herself the victim. All she does is lie to play the victim. How could those death threats not be fake?

But speaking of evidence against her: Let's talk about that.

Moon has been spouting all these claims and using her poetry talk but she has no evidence to support it. Neki provided screenshots with a time and date of them being sent, and what has Moon provided as evidence? What has she used to show the screenshots were taken out of context?


Moon has not provided a single photo of evidence.

Instead she's just repeating the same stuff, that Neki is a manipulator and is taking advantage of us, that she's doing it all for fame, yada yada yada.

But we on the other hand, actually have evidence.

Her lies have been proved wrong in the previous chapter, and evidence posted in the chapter before that. But she's still not providing evidence, not even to provide "context" to those roleplays. You would think someone so desperate to prove she's innocent would use evidence. But want to know what she did instead after we called her out on her lack of evidence?

 But want to know what she did instead after we called her out on her lack of evidence?

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She posted this

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She posted this. Exposing Neki's real name.

She's always trying to be the bigger person but she just PUBLICLY RELEASED PERSONAL INFORMATION about her victim. She didn't address the lack of evidence, instead talking to someone who she BLOCKED AND KNEW DAMN WELL WOULDN'T SEE HER MESSAGE, and deprecating her same bull sh!t.

If that doesn't scream problematic idk what does.

Either way it's been confirmed once again, Moon is a manipulator and liar who refuses to handle things maturely.

But one final thing before I close off this chapter:

Someone tried to defend Moon, saying that we were "bullying her" and that she was human just like us, so we had to treat her respectfully.





Calling someone out for being a f*cking predator is NOT bullying, it's calling them out and alerting others to beware of this person because they're a danger to others.

So far there have been two underage victims who were forced into a r*pe roleplay, the new person being a girl named Ari, who has claimed that Moon forced a r*pe roleplay where she r*ped Riddle, with BDSM involved and without asking for consent.

And you think we're bullying her by posting content to warn others.

I think this has been boiled down enough for everyone to understand. You can't defend Moon. It's her word against our evidence. If you have looked at the screenshots then there is NO EXCUSE TO SUPPORT HER. I hope you can all see that now.

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