Burn (Rook)

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There he was. Sitting in that old rocking chair by the fireplace, a box in his lap. Rook took out a envelope, carefully opening it and pulling out the letter inside.

The letter was long, with beautiful handwriting, and detailed wonderfully. At the bottom of the page, it was signed Leona Kingscholar.

That name used to make his heart flutter. But ever since the Leech Pamphlet, it made his heart sink.

He heard heavy footsteps coming from the kitchen, and he didn't even have to turn around to know it was his husband. Leona said nothing, and leaned on the doorframe instead.

"I saved every letter you wrote me." He sighed. "From the moment I read them I knew you were mine. You said you were mine. I thought you were mine.....' he stood up, still refusing to face Leona.

"Do you know what Vil had said? When we saw your first letter arrive?" He asked. "He said, "be careful with that one love, he will do what it takes to survive.""

He picked up another letter from the box, the light of the fire giving it a warm glow, allowing Rook to practically drown in nostalgia as he thought back to the very first letter he was given. "You and your words flooded my senses, your sentences left me defenseless. You built me palaces out of paragraphs, you built cathedrals." He had a small smile on his face, hiding the storm within him.

Soon his smile dropped. "I'm re-reading the letters you wrote me. I'm searching and scanning for answers in every line, for some kind of sign, and when you were mine...."

He picked up another log and tossed it into the fire place, watching as the flames erupted. "The world seemed to burn.....burn...." he repeated, liking the taste of that last word on his tongue.

He put the letters in his hand down, instead walking over to Leona and ripping the newspaper out of his hands. "You published the letters he wrote you? You told the whole world how you brought this man into our bed? In clearing your name, you have ruined our lives!" He exclaimed, now starting to show his pent up rage.

"Do you know what Vil had said? When he read what you've done? He said, "you married and Icarus, he has flown to close to the sun."" He quoted his brother once again, although it didn't exactly make him feel much better. Leona however, looked ashamed. But was it because he felt guilty, or because he ruined his own image?

Rook wasn't done just yet. "You and your words obsessed with your legacy! Your sentences border on senseless!" He exclaimed, before turning back around and pointing the paper at Leona. "And you are paranoid in every paragraph! How they perceive you.....you you you!" He cried out, tears starting to prick at the corners of his eyes.

There was silence for a moment. Just a beat, before Rook spoke up again. "I'm erasing myself from the narrative. Let future historians wonder how Rook Hunt reacted when you broke his heart!" He laughed, letting the tears fall.

"You have torn it all apart! I'm watching it burn! I'm watching it burn!" He tossed the paper into the fire, but didn't stop there. He grabbed the box of the letters and tossed them into the fire to, causing Leona to nearly gasp. He knew how much those letters meant to him, and he was going to destroy them.

"The world has no right to my heart! The world has no place in our bed, they don't get to know what I said! I'm burning the memories, burning the letters, that might have redeemed you!" He said, tossing more letters into the fireplace and watching as the flames grew larger and larger. "You forfeit the rights to my heart! You forfeit the place in our bed! You'll sleep in your office instead!" He yelled, matching right back up to Leona and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. "With only the memories of when you were mine!"

Once again, there was silence. Rook looked down, as more tears and falling down. He could only pray Leona couldn't see them. "I hope that you burn....."

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