Chapter 1 - Hermione's POV

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3 years. 3 years had passed since the war and a lot had happened. The first 6 months after the war went by in a blur. We went through therapy, interviews, trials, funerals band confessions. Ron and I started living together and everything was perfect.

Until it wasn’t…

It started simple really, a small shove out of the way one night. I chalked it up to him being tipsy and not knowing his own strength. Then it turned into shoving and cussing until finally, he slapped me. The first time Ron slapped me he didn’t remember the next morning. He asked me why my face was bruised and my lip was cut, when I told him didn’t believe me and accused me of lying.

That same night when he got home he informed me I need to quit my job and stay at the apartment we shared. That he had gotten a promotion and wanted me to cook and clean. I begged and cried to keep my job but all I accomplished was to anger him. That’s the first night he truly beat me while sober. He kicked, punched, scratched and choked me, by the time he was done I could barely move. That’s when he grabbed me by my hair, tied my hands to headboard and had his way roughly with me. He took his sweet time and when he finally came, he untied me and pushed me off the bed onto the cold hard floor. That’s where I woke up the next morning and where I would continue to wake up for the next 2 and a half years.

Every time he would finish beating me and violating me he would roughly push me off the bed. I was not allowed to sleep in the same bed as him, I was barely allowed to be in the same room. Every night when he was finally done with me I would drag myself to the bathroom, clean up and go to sleep in the floor next to the bed. After 2 years of beatings had passed, he had forced me to sign the marriage papers so I couldn’t run away from him. After that I was truly trapped.

This was my life and I didn’t know how to get out of it or how much longer I would live.

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