Chapter 34 - Hermione's POV

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I laid on Draco’s chest listening to his heartbeat flutter. Only when our breathing return to normal did I raise myself to look at him. He drew lazy circles on my back. “How are you feeling love? Was I too rough again?” I shook my head and watched as his face calmed down. I kissed him tenderly. He deepened our kiss and slipped his tongue inside my mouth. I felt his cock twitch inside of me and chuckled. “Again? You just had me Dray” I moved my hips over him, feeling him harden even more.

"Have I told you how fucking hot you make me when you call me that love? I don’t know what it is but hearing you moan my name like that…it does things to me” he whispered, his voice thick with desire. We took our time exploring each others bodies this time. He finished inside me once again and cuddled my side. Our eyes started to close from exhaustion.

“I love you Draco. Forever…”


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