Chapter 27 - Ron's POV

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*TW for abuse*

The plan was almost too easy. Track his wand, not hers. I knew they’d snap hers the minute it was reported that I was missing. Now she had nothing and I had his. Getting away had been easy, I waited for the middle of the night shift change, made my pillows look like my sleeping form and snuck out the window. I just couldn’t believe it would be this easy to catch them though. I knew I would never be able to enter to wherever they were hiding. I was sure the wards there were extremely sensitive, but to catch them right in front of the ministry, it was like Christmas for me. I casted binding spells on each and apparated away.

I immediately chained Malfoy to the wall and punched him in the face. He would watch everything I was about to do to her and then I would kill him. I dragged Hermione by the hair to the center of the room. I could hear her trying to struggle. “If you keep struggling, I’ll cut his pretty little face off” I told her darkly. She stopped. I looked down and she was crying. I wrapped my hand more tightly around her hair. “Cry all you want slave, no one is rescuing this time. I hope you’re ready for all the punishments you’re about to get”

I made her clothes disappear and threw her on the floor. I waved the wand the ropes appeared, this time they would be different though. The minute they touched her skin they began burning her, and the more she moved the more they strangled her. I began to walk in circles around her. “Now…where shall we start? How about a stomp to your ugly ass face?” I stomped on her face harshly and broke her nose. She was already bleeding, how glorious. I kicked her in the ribs multiple times. “That was for leaving my fucking house with another man. You want to be a whore? Fine.” I untied her legs and pried her thighs open roughly and retied them. I made my boots become real heavy and kicked her in the ribs again. She jerked around in pain and activated the ropes. She started to scream. I smashed her mouth with my fist but she continued to cry. “SHUT THE FUCK UP” I roared at her.

I heard the chains on the wall moving. “Leave her alone Weasley. She doesn’t deserve this” he tried to plead. I laughed and walked over to him. “ She does deserve this Malfoy she’s a whore. Just look at her with her legs just open. Who does that? It’s disgusting. Now, I suggest you shut up, unless you want me to make it worse for her.” He quickly shut his mouth. “Now that’s more like it” I punched him in the ribs several times and heard a satisfying crack. “NO! Don’t fucking touch him! Don’t you dare!” I heard Hermione say.

My eyes flashed between the two of them, finally understanding what was going on. I guess now I knew why Pansy wanted him dead. I began laughing. “You two are together? Interesting. So you don’t fuck Pansy, but you’ll fuck this ugly ass thing?” I turned my attention to Hermione, “And you! You think you can go around sleeping with other men! Bitch did you forget we’re married?” she looked at me with a glint of happiness in her eye. “We’re not married Ron. Harry made sure to dissolve that since it wasn’t legal and you married me against my will.”

My vision got red.  I made my way towards her and stopped. “You’ll regret that. See, I wasn’t planning on fucking you, but now… Now I can’t miss on the opportunity to make the both of you suffer. He won’t want you after I’m done with you Hermione. He’ll leave you when he sees how willingly you take my cock.” I cast a temporary silencing charm on Malfoy. I removed all the ropes from her entire body and flipped her so her ass was in the air. I retied the ropes so that her legs were splayed open and she couldn’t move her hands. I removed my clothing little by little, taking my time. “You see this Malfoy? See how she doesn’t fight me?” I heard the chains rattling. I spread her cheeks open and cast my favorite tightening spell several times. I conjured some rope and wrapped it extremely tight around her neck so I could hold on.

I shoved my member into her as hard as I could. I could feel her writhing in pain. I held on to the rope and saw her face turning red. The longer I held on the more the chains rattled. I began moving inside of her at a brutal pace, the entire time holding on to the rope. I finished off inside of her and pulled out. Still holding the rope I flipped her over with magic and wiped my dick on her face. I let go of the rope and watched her cough and try to catch her breath. I stepped on her stomach roughly, leaving her without any breath again. I looked to Malfoy and could make out tears in his eyes. I laughed bitterly and looked at her. She had finally passed out from the pain. “Weasley please just let her go. I’ll do whatever you want. Just… please stop torturing her.” Malfoy said hoarsely. I guess his silencing charm had worn off. I shook my head and laughed evilly. “No. I won’t stop until she’s dead. And then, I’ll fuck her dead pussy one last time before killing you. But if you want I can move you to another room and you can just listen to her screams. Is that what you want?” I asked. He shook his head silently. “That’s what I thought.”

I turned my attention back to Hermione’s passed out form. I arranged for her arms to be spread tightly and tied to the floor. I then arranged her legs to stay open. I looked down at my member and saw it was semi hard. I jerked off until it was ready and the hovered over her body. I zapped her with my wand so she would wake up. When I knew she was fully awake, I thrust into her. I placed my hand at her neck and squeezed. The more I squeezed the tighter her pussy got.

I took her roughly, my hips snapping back and forth at a bruising pace. I knew she was in pain from the tears in her eyes. I slapped her across the face, watching as her eye swelled. I grinned at her and picked my pace up even more. I was moving so fast and hard, that when I looked down I could already see her inner thighs were bruised. Every time I’d thrust back into her, she would wince in pain. I moved my other hand to her neck and choked her with both hands. She struggled against my hands, her face turning red. I could feel her choking. I slowed my pace down a little bit so I could perform wand less magic. I felt her grow tighter with my spell and could feel her blood running down. I finished off and went to wash up and find somewhere to sleep for a little bit. I needed to regain some energy if I wanted to keep my torture going. I wanted to be full of energy when it came time to kill them both. I left the wands on the table and stalked off.

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