Chapter 15 - Hermione's POV

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I knew it was a bad idea to shower alone, I should’ve called the house elf, but I needed to think. Was I falling for Draco Malfoy? I couldn’t stop thinking about his eyes and how they kept changing. Today they were pure silver and light, but yesterday at the diner they were stormy gray, only missing the thunder and lightning. I thought of his smile, he had a beautiful smile that he barely let out since he mostly smirked. Fuck, even his platinum blonde hair was nice, the way it kind of fell on his eyes but had the sides short. I went back to thinking about his eyes when I fell. Calling for him was instinctual. He came running in and helped me up. I hadn’t noticed he wasn’t wearing a shirt until I had swayed and landed on his chest. I felt his hands on my waist and heard him asking me questions. I answered and felt the warmth of the spells on my head. The pain left immediately. Great, now I felt like shit. Clearly he was getting ready for bed and my dumbass interrupted him.

I sat on the edge of the bed and tried to hold my wand. I hated having a cast on my left hand. I couldn’t write or use magic properly. When I finally got a hold of the wand correctly, I made my clothes appear on me. I apologized to Draco before he kneeled down to my level and asked me which room I wanted to sleep in. I said his, since his bed was bigger. He carried me to his room and put me to bed and I fell asleep against him once again.

When I woke up I felt well rested. I was laying on something hard and smooth. I opened my eyes and saw Draco’s chest under me. I briefly remembered my fall and rolled my eyes at my self. I could hear he was still asleep under me so I took my time admiring him. He looked peaceful when he slept, not like the scared teenager I saw hiding during the war. His chest was chiseled to perfection. He was strong but not overly so. He had defined muscles on his arms and chest. He had a hint of abs but they weren’t disgustingly obvious and I could see his ‘V’ muscles were defined. He was beautiful and I was completely out of my mind.

I felt him stirring under me and quickly rolled away from him. I felt him reach out for me and pull me towards him. He hugged me from behind, and who was I to complain? I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep. When I woke up again, we were in a compromising position. Somehow, his hand had ended up inside my shirt and was resting under my breast. I could tell he was still asleep and very carefully lowered his hand to be almost on my stomach. I felt him stiffen behind me, quickly pull his hand away and almost fall off the bed.

“Hermione! I am so sorry! I don’t know what happened. I promise it wasn’t my intention to almost feel you up.” He said apologetically. I laughed gently. “It’s fine, we were sleeping. It’s okay. Let’s have some breakfast and go to town to look around, okay?” He nodded quietly. I got up to get ready and carefully made my way to my room. I walked to my closet and picked a light blue strapless sun dress, a white sneaker, a white purse so I could put my wand and wallet into it, and some silver jewelry. I got dressed then stood in front of the mirror trying to figure out my hair. I settled for brushing it out and leaving it in loose curls. I looked at my finished outfit in the mirror, happy that my bruises were finally completely gone and I could wear a dress. I hadn’t worn a dress since the Yule Ball in 4th year. After that night, when Ron and Pansy made fun of me and the war I never got the chance. Then Ron happened again and I was always too bruised to wear anything other than jeans and long sleeves. I smiled to myself and made my way to my chair but not before grabbing my white sweater just in case I got cold, which I probably would.

When Draco walked in, it was hard to not let my jaw hit the floor. He was wearing black ripped jeans, a white long sleeved sweater and black boots. He had styled his hair to look messy yet brushed and it no longer fell on his eyes. He looked amazing. He looked at me and smiled an actual smile. “You look lovely in that color and I like the dress.” I blushed and thanked him. We apparated to a café in the center of town and had breakfast. We spent the whole day going in and out of stores and looking at a ton of books. I learned he had read as many books as I had. We finally sat down for dinner at a cute little Italian restaurant where we had delicious pasta and wine. When we got back to the house, we got ready for bed and both fell asleep with a smile on our face.

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