Chapter 18 - Draco's POV

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I heard her before I saw her. “DRAKY!!!!” she screamed. I turned to look and there was Pansy fucking Parkinson, in the flesh, walking towards me quickly. When she got to the table, she threw herself in my lap. “Draky how are you? I haven’t seen you in so long! Can you believe it’s been 3 years?! As you can see I’m out of prison, so we can finally be together!” I saw Hermione stiffen at Pansy’s presence. “Pansy, you need to get the fuck off. You can clearly see I’m on a date and I would never fucking date you after the role you played in the war. Because of you my mother is dead. We were innocent. You couldn’t just go after Lucius? No. You had to go after my mother and I. Now get the fuck off me before I call security and have them escort you out.” I pushed her off me. “Who the fuck are you on a date with?” she questioned before looking towards Hermione. By then, I could feel how tense she was. “Oh what the fuck? You’re dating a fucking mudblood? That’s disgusting Draky. Didn’t your father teach you not to play with dirty things? I can’t believe you’d even date a member of the golden trio.” She turned to Hermione fully. “Weren’t you fucking the disgusting red head? You think you’re slick going after a pure blood. As if it’d change how disgusting you are.”

I could feel the table shaking from Hermione’s anger. She promptly got up and walked out of the restaurant. I heard Pansy laughing at what she’d caused. “Aww the poor whore couldn’t handle the truth? Poor baby.” She was grinning like if she’d won. I could see my vision turning red. “Pansy” I said as calmly as I could. “I swear on my mother’s grave, if you don’t shut the fuck up, I will hex you into a different dimension. Now, you ruined my date with your disgusting face and now I have to go find Hermione. I just want you to know, that if I don’t find her, I’m going to come back here and haul you back to Azkaban myself. Do I make myself clear?” She nodded, clearly scared of what I had to say. I pushed some money into the waitress' hand and walked out.

When I got outside I looked around for Hermione. I scanned the crowd for her but couldn’t find her. I tried her cellphone but she kept ignoring the calls, until finally it sent me straight to voicemail. I asked around if someone had seen a girl in a pretty green dress. No one could tell me anything until I asked an old lady. The old lady pointed towards the fountain in the middle of the square. I took off running towards it. When I got close enough, I could see her sitting with her back towards me.

When I reached her she looked over at me with tears in her eyes. “She’s right Draco. You shouldn’t be with me. I’ll always be dirty thanks to what Ron did. I’ll never be good enough for you and you’ll be stuck with a disgusting whore.” I watched as her tears fell faster and faster. “Hermione love, nothing she said is true. The only whore here is her and she’s the disgusting one. You’re not dirty, you were abused and basically held prisoner. That doesn’t make you dirty my love. Please, let’s give us a chance Hermione. You don’t understand how you make me feel.” I reached out with my thumb to wipe her tears. She moved her face away from me and shook her head. My eyes filled with tears, “Hermione… please.” My voice broke, “I’m begging you. Don’t listen to her. She’s fucking delusional. I don’t even understand how the fuck she’s out of Azkaban.” I reached for her, this time she let me touch her. She sighed.

“I don’t know if it’s a good idea Draco. I’m not right for you. I’m not okay and I don’t know if I ever will be. It’s been almost 3 months and I still have nightmares. You have to always be babysitting me. For fucks sake I can’t even apparate without almost passing out! And yet…” she placed her hands on my shoulders carefully. “And yet…I can’t stop thinking about you. About how your smile is so fucking beautiful it hurts. About how your eyes remind me of storms that I want to get lost in. About how when you touch me I feel electricity running through my veins. I can’t stop fucking thinking about your laugh and how it reminds me of music. And when I kissed you today, I couldn’t stop fucking thinking about how amazing it felt. How I never wanted to stop kissing you, how I wanted to make you laugh forever so I could always hear you, how I wanted to always make you smile. And then I thought to myself, holy fuck, I think I’m in love with Draco Malfoy. Which, I don’t know how THAT happened because I can’t even love myself Draco, but yet here I am. Almost 3 months sice almost dying, and I love you.” I closed the distance between us and kissed her.

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