Chapter 26 - Draco's POV

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I don’t know how long we had been asleep but I could hear my phone ringing. I untangled my limbs from her sleeping form and picked up the phone to see that it was Harry. I answered.

“Hello?” I asked

“Malfoy we have a huge fucking problem. I don’t know how, but Ron escaped and stole a wand. Apparently someone has been making house calls and feeding him information about the two of you. We think he has a way to track Hermione’s wand but we don’t know. You need to get her and come straight here RIGHT NOW!” I felt my heart drop.

“Potter, do I need to break her wand in half? Will that help?” I asked urgently as I went around the room waving my own wand, packing and sending everything back to the manor. I didn’t want to leave anything here that could be traced back to her. I got dressed while he talked.

“if he’s tracking her wand, breaking it will help confuse him for a small window but not too long. You need to leave in the next 5 minutes. I’ll be waiting with more protection for her in your office. Come straight here.” The line went dead. I ran to wake Hermione and get her dressed with magic.

“Hermione love. I need you to wake up it’s an emergency.” She sat up frightened. “What happened? Why am I dressed?” she asked as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “Love I need your wand right now. We have to go.” She handed me her wand and I snapped it in half and threw it across the room. “What the fuck Draco? Why did you do that?” she asked angrily. “Love he’s escaped. He’s tracking your wand as we speak. We have to go, right now!” she looked terrified. I grabbed her hand and apparated to the entrance of the ministry, forgetting what would happen. She crumbled and landed on her hands and knees, the moment we landed. She began to throw up from the sudden pressure of apparating. “Fuck, I’m sorry love I forgot we can’t just apparate. I needed to get you out of there. Come on, we have to get inside.” I bent down to help her. I felt something stab me on the side of the neck.

“One wrong move, and you both die.”

The weasel had found us.

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