Chapter 9 - Hermione's POV

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I stared after Draco after he walked away. I was scared to confront Harry and Ginny. I was scared of what they would say. I could see Ginny was itching to talk. I took some calming breaths before starting.

“Um…hello you two. Draco tells me you’ve been calling and visiting. Thank you for that, however I don’t have anything to say to either one of you after those letters you sent me. If you could leave and leave me alone that would be great.”

“Hermione, what are you talking about? What letters?” asked Harry bewildered.
“You know what letters! You both told me you hated me and didn’t want to be friends anymore! Do you know how much I suffered not having you guys in my life?! I had no one! No one! I was completely alone while…while Ron abused every part of me! You two left me alone!” I wiped at my tears furiously.

“Mi we didn’t write any letters I swear! Ron told us you walked out and left him. He showed us a letter from you telling him to never contact you again. Harry has been searching for you for years!” Ginny said cautiously.

“He lied. He fucking lied to all of us. He told us you left and told you we hated you. I’m going to kill him! Sorry Ginny, I know he’s your brother but I’m going to fucking KILL HIM! BLOODY LIAR!” Harry screamed. Ginny and I shushed him.

“I can’t believe he would do something so low. To keep us away from you 'Mi. I hate him so much. I’ll never forgive him” Ginny said in disbelief. I could see the tears forming in her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. I let mine fall freely and began to sob. They both rushed to comfort me. The three of us embraced, our tears and sobs falling on each other. After a while, when everyone had calmed down, Harry began to explain what would happen with Ron now that he was in custody.

“So, when you’re discharged from the hospital, Draco will be taking you straight to the ministry. There, he will be performing legilimency on you to document everything that happened. After that you will have the option to bottle the memories or simply keep them. I’d opt to bottle them and forget but that’s up to you. Now, we removed all your stuff out of the apartment and set them up in the manor, but if you want to dispose of them and get new stuff, we’d totally understand. We also retrieved your wand since he had hid it. It’s lucky he didn’t destroy it. We performed some wiping spells on it to try to make sure there was nothing that could harm you. Welcome back Hermione. We really missed you.”

“I missed you too Harry. I’m so happy we’ve gotten a chance to fix things between us and thank you for moving my stuff to Malfoy’s manor and also for wiping any spells from my stuff. I was terrified that it was gonna hurt me again.”I heard the door to the room open and turned to see a doctor coming in with a clipboard.

“How are you feeling Miss Granger? Any pain or discomfort?” he asked.
“My hand hurts a little, and so does my head. My ribs are still a bit sore especially after crying but for the most part I feel okay. I’m a bit hungry though.”

“Yes your auror was on the way to the cafeteria and I think he was going to bring you some soup. You have to take it easy so you can heal so no more crying. I’m going to inject your antibiotics so you don’t catch an infection. I’ll be right back.” He walked away and came back quickly. I could see him disinfecting the IV and injecting it with medication. My head started to feel groggy and my eyes started drooping.

“It’s going to make you sleepy. Don’t fight it, you need all the rest you can get.” He told me quietly.

“Bye Hermione. We’ll see you soon hun.” I could hear Ginny saying from a distance before succumbing to sleep.

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