Chapter 12 - Draco's POV

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*TW for abuse*

I wasn’t prepared for what I would see in her head and honestly, I was scared of how it would affect me, but I needed to be the one who did this. It was better that I do it instead of a stranger. I wasn’t just worried about how it would affect me, I was worried about her. I knew she was depressed already even though she tried to hide it. She was having nightmares, and as much as I tried to comfort her, each one was worse than the last one. If she kept up I would need to request a therapist for her and I wasn’t sure how she would react to that. Hopefully some time in the beach home would help her, I planned to keep her there a month and then go back to the manor, but if she wanted to stay longer we could.

When we reached my office I looked down at her. She looked scared and out of place. “Do you want to stay in the chair or would you like to lay on the couch?” I asked carefully. I watched her debate it before pointing to the couch. I helped her lay down and got the trash can. It hadn’t happened often but sometimes the subject would vomit when we went through their memories. I got settled in the chair next to the sofa, closed my eyes and waved my wand over her.

When I opened my eyes I was in apartment 15B. I could see the weasel charging towards us and braced myself. I felt when he hit her and heard her scream. Then the memory changed, I was laying on the floor and was already in pain. I could hear him laughing at me and could feel blood dripping down my nose. The memory changed again, this time I was looking at the ceiling. When I looked down I noticed I was tied to the bed and the weasel was at a dresser. When he turned around he had a knife, he walked towards me and sliced my chest. I heard Hermione scream in pain and felt it myself. The memories kept changing and the more they did, the worse they were. They kept getting more and more aggressive and every time I was in more pain than the last. I finally landed on a memory where I could barely move. When I looked around my head was tied back and I could tell I was dangling from the ceiling. My neck was freed and suddenly my whole face exploded in pain. When he let me go he kicked my face and tied me to the floor. I saw him straddle our face and violate her mouth. I could feel her choking and the suddenly I watched his fist come towards us. I felt my lip bust open. He flipped us over and suddenly there was a lot of pain.

I faintly heard Hermione crying but didn’t know which one it was. Was it the memory or the real one? Suddenly I heard someone else “Draco you need to get out! Draco!” I felt something shaking me and closed my eyes. When I opened them again I was back in my office. I searched for the trash can and deposited my entire stomachs contents in it. When I looked up, Harry was standing in front of me. I looked over at Hermione and she was still crying and jerking around.

“Potter we need to wake her up quickly. She’s stuck in the last memory before the hospital.” I got up and closed the distance between my chair and the sofa. “Hermione, you need to wake up. It’s just a memory, it’s not real anymore. You’re safe with Harry and me. Hermione…please wake up. Come on.” I shook her gently until she finally woke up. When her eyes finally opened they were already blurring with tears. I did what I always did, grabbed her and held her against me.

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