Chapter 7 - Hermione's POV

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*1 week and 4 days later*
I could hear beeping closely. My arm felt extremely heavy, almost like I wouldn’t be able to lift it. I slowly pried my eyes open and looked around. I was surrounded by white sterile walls. I felt someone watching me and looked towards the source. I was met with piercing gray eyes and everything came rushing back. Every punch, word and item used against me. I started hyperventilating and heard the beeps speed up, then I heard  running. Then everything went black again.

When I woke up again the eyes were closer, but this time I focused on the face of their owner.

“Malfoy? Where am I?” I asked hoarsely.
“You’re in the trauma ward at St. Mungo’s. You…you had an accident kind of” I heard him say.

“I remember everything that happened. Where is he? Not here right?” I whispered in a panicked voice. I saw Draco shake his head and reach for me. I instantly winced expecting the pain to come. When it didn’t come I looked at his hand. It was hovering over mine, almost asking for permission. I nodded my head yes and felt his hand touch mine gently. I felt sparks instantly and guessing from his reaction he did too.

“Granger I have to tell you something and it might come as a shock to you. Um…when I brought you to the ward, you were covered in wounds from head to toe. The only part of you that wasn’t hurt was your right hand. It’s what I held to apparate here. Unfortunately…the pregnancy you were experiencing…couldn’t saved. I’m really sorry love.” My heart dropped at his words. I felt myself hyperventilating again and heard him telling me to calm down if not they would put me to sleep again.

“Ho-How bad are the injuries?” I asked trying to take calming breaths. He looked at me before answering. “Your 5 broken ribs are finally healed and the 3 that were cracked were fixed. You had surgery on your left hand and have to wear a cast for 6 months and do therapy. Your right leg is also in a cast but only for 3 months, no surgery but it will require physical therapy. Your cracked skull is completely healed and the concussion is gone finally. Your…um…nether regions are still healing and should be done in 2months. The only thing you still have is the bruise under your eye that won’t go away for some reason and the cut lip. Your eyebrow healed nicely. You’ve been “asleep” for almost 2 weeks. They let you wake up early only because you seem to healing correctly. You’ll still be here for another week though. You’ve been assigned a permanent auror until after his trial, that would be yours truly by the way, the only other people allowed to see you are Potter and Ginny. They’ve been visiting every day and asking if you’ve woken up. They made me get a cell phone so they could call and they call every 2 hours. They should be arriving in about 15 minutes. You’ll be moving in with me. I cleaned out Malfoy Manor and we’ll be living there. The Weasel is being held under house arrest with the strongest protection spells there is and they change guards every 5 hours. He has about 10 guards inside the apartment at all times. His trial however is in 1 year. So we might as well become best friends. One month from today you will be allowed more visitors but for right now you need to focus on healing completely. You will not be allowed a job so don’t even think about it. You will rest and enjoy life. Everything will be paid for and taken care of, including your medical bills. Lastly, your marriage was dissolved. It’s as if you were never married, so you are completely free to do whatever you want as long as it’s after you’re healed all the way.”

I blinked at him and nodded in shock. I was free. I was completely free. Before I could stop myself I threw my arms around him and cried. I cried tears of joy, sadness, pain and everything in between. I felt him wrap one arm around me and the other touch my head. I didn’t know how long I cried but when I turned around Harry and Ginny were in the corner crying with me.

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