Chapter 24 - Draco's POV

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I was so happy that she was finally free to do whatever she wanted. I took her out to celebrate her recovery. We ended up at a nice little hole in the wall restaurant that served the most delicious ice cream. She had gotten chocolate and every time I’d kiss her, I could taste the chocolate. A few hours had passed when we finally noticed it was dark. She waited for me outside while I paid the bill. When I walked out she was leaning against the wall waiting. I walked forward with the intention of kissing her chastely. She pulled me towards her and we locked lips. I could still taste the chocolate but now I could also taste desire. I kept kissing her and apparated us home.

When we appeared, I pulled her up so she could wrap her legs around me and made my way to the bedroom. When my knees hit the mattress I turned around and sat. I broke the kiss to catch my breath and moved my mouth to her neck. I slowly removed her shirt and learned she had gone without a bra. I took a nipple in my mouth and sucked, while teasing the other one with my fingers. The sounds she was making were the most erotic thing I had ever heard. I felt her hand slide under my shirt touching me. I helped her take it off of me and when I felt her push me into the mattress I complied, giving her what she wanted. She kissed my chest and tangled her fingers in my hair.

I rolled over so I was on top. “If it gets to be too much please tell me.” I told her, my voice thick with arousal. She nodded. I moved her face to the side to get better access to her neck. I nipped up and down, giving her kisses, licks and bites. I moved down her body slowly. I removed her jeans , leaving her in just underwear. I kept moving lower and lower until I reached the waistband of her panties. I opened her legs further to give me better access. I bit and kissed her thighs, never touching where I knew she wanted me. I removed her panties and placed a soft kiss on her heat. She bucked in response. I gave her a tentative lick and she moaned my name. “Fuck” I heard her cuss. I swiped my thumb gently over her clit and felt her buck again.

“Draco please” she begged. I gave her what she wanted and began licking. I fucked her with my tongue and kept drinking from her. She tasted like heaven on earth. I added my middle finger and she screamed in pleasure. I added my ring finger and made a ‘come here’ motion. I could feel her tightening around my fingers and kept going. She was a vision with her back arched off the bed cursing my name. I stopped using my mouth on her and kept fucking her with my fingers. “Come for me love” I told her in a thick voice. I watched her come undone and it was a beautiful sight. I kept using my fingers until she came down from her high. While I let her catch her breath, I removed my pants and underpants. She sat up and pulled me down into the mattress again. Once more I let her do what she wanted.

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