Chapter 29 - Hermione's POV

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*2 days later*

I didn’t know where I was when I woke up. I looked around and saw I was in a hospital room. I spotted Ginny in the corner and called for her. “Ginny what happened? Where’s Draco.” Ginny’s eyes welled up with tears. “Oh ‘Mi. Draco is… Draco isn’t awake. Ron threw a curse at Harry and Draco jumped in front of it. He’s been passed out for 2 days already. His wounds won’t stay closed.” I gasped in shock. “I have to see him! He needs to hear my voice!” I said, pushing the covers off of me and making my way to the door. “Hermione wait! I’ll take you to his room but you have to be careful. The doctors don’t want us to touch him in case it makes him worse.” I nodded my head in understanding and let her guide me to his room.

When I walked in he was shirtless and covered in blood. He looked so pale and sickly. I knew if he’d been awake he’d have been in pain since his wounds wouldn’t stop bleeding. A nurse walked in. “Ma’am are you family? If you’re not you can’t be in here and I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” “I’m his girlfriend. Can you tell me what curse caused this? I might be familiar with the healing spell it needs.” The nurse looked at me incredulously. “Young lady, the doctors here are some of the best in the world and Mr. Malfoy is getting the best care available. I don’t know who you think you are but I’m afraid you need to leave. Mr. Malfoy only has until tonight before we put him to rest. So I suggest you say goodbye and get out!”

My vision burned red with anger. “I a
m Hermione fucking Granger, brightest witch of our age. I singlehandedly helped my best friend, Harry Potter defeat Voldemort. I survived abuse from the third member of the golden trio. And Draco Malfoy is the love of my life. You will not put him to rest until I fucking say so. Now, I’ll ask again. What fucking curse caused this?” The nurse looked at me visibly shaken. “M-My apologies Miss Granger. I didn’t recognize you. The curse used against Mr. Malfoy was sectumsempra. We’ve been trying to heal him for 2 days now and he doesn’t have much longer if he keeps losing blood” I looked at Ginny who was just as shocked. “I need his wand. Where is it?” I asked looking around. “Hermione just use mine it’s fine.” Said Ginny. I shook my head. “It has to be his. His wand knows me and is allied to me already. When I use it, it listens.” I explained. I kept looking around until I spotted it. I grabbed the wand and positioned myself.

I started waving the wand in intricate patterns. “Corpores Sano. Corpores Sano. Corpores Sano.” I chanted the spell until all the lacerations were gone. I watched as the color came back to his face little by little. I sat on the edge of his bed and waited for him to open his eyes. “Dray please wake up. Come back to me please” I pleaded loud enough for only him to hear me. Slowly, he opened his eyes. “Hello love.” He whispered hoarsely. My eyes filled with tears and I very carefully, moved closer. “Oh thank heavens! I thought I lost you Dray. I was so scared when I woke up and Ginny told me what happened. Don’t you ever put yourself in danger like that again!” he moved his hand to my face slowly and wiped my tears. “I’m sorry love. Please forgive me. You know you can’t get rid of me that easily.” I nodded to let him know I forgave him. I leaned down and kissed him carefully. “You have to be careful dear, your cuts are still sensitive. Move too roughly and they could reopen. Also, I’m really sorry, but you’ll have those scars permanently.” He nodded in understanding. I leaned down and kissed him gently again. I was just glad he was alive. Scars or no scars, he was mine to love.

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