Chapter 22 - Draco's POV

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I knew distracting her while apparating would work. When she came up for air and saw we were back at the beach home, I could see the surprise on her whole face. She closed the distance between us quickly and kissed me again. I untangled my hand from her hair and moved it to her lower back. I pressed closer to her so I could feel every part of her against my body. I could feel her heart hammering in her chest and pulled her even closer. I wanted her so much, and I knew she wanted me, but I couldn’t get too carried away in case I hurt her. I needed her to be completely healed and she still had the stupid cast. I pulled away from and pecked her lips once more before letting go. I saw her pout at the loss of contact.

“Do we really have to wait for the cast to come off my hand?” she asked, desire darkening her golden eyes. “Yes love. I don’t want you to get hurt. I honestly couldn’t stand it if I accidentally hurt you. Be patient love. We’ll get there.” I kissed the tip of her nose and walked towards our room to find our trunks. “Let’s go swimming love. You’ve been dying to get in the water forever now.” I heard her walk behind me and look for her own trunk. When we each found out bathing suits, we changed and made our way to the water. We spent the rest of the day swimming and enjoying the sun. We ordered dinner from the little Italian restaurant we had eaten in our first day here. In the time I had been guarding her, I hadn’t heard her laugh as much as I had today. She looked genuinely happy and I was glad I was a part of it.

After some tea and a shower we laid in bed to watch some romantic comedy movie she wanted to watch. The poor girl hadn’t watched a movie since before the war and I felt awful. She fell asleep on me halfway through, so I turned it off and went to sleep. It had been a great day, despite the news she had received. So great in fact, that she didn’t have a single nightmare.

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