Chapter 3 - Ron's POV

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“Pathetic. Useless, disgusting waste of a pussy. God I hate her so much. I wish she’d die already. Ugh, even with this spell she feels dry. Fuck I hate her” I thought as I made the ropes tighten around her neck again.

I could tell she wasn’t breathing but I was enjoying not having to look at her pathetic excuse of a face. I blew my load into her and made the ropes disappear.

She slid off the bed and landed face up hitting her head on the tile floor. I chuckled to myself at the thought of her cracking her head open. I kicked her legs open and attached the clamp to her clit. I tightened it until it almost broke and attached one end of the chain to it. Then took the other two sides and attached each side to the nipple clamps I had put on her earlier. I waved my wand and watched as the chain shortened, pulling on each clamp.

It made her jerk even unconscious. I turned her over and positioned her with her ass in the air so I could examine the plug. It was almost splitting her open. Punishing her tonight would be even more fun than it had been now. I couldn’t wait to get started but had to leave for quiditch. Her punishment had already made me late. Yet another reason to punish her later today. I was giddy with excitement.

I flipped her back over and took the gag off, marveling at how it had made her shut up after I made it thicker. It was definitely something I would have to use again. Not tonight though, tonight I wanted to hear her scream. I shoved the gag into her pussy, watching how difficult it was because of the plug. I made it longer and then shoved it down her throat again. I wanted to do this forever, too bad I couldn’t. I had to go see Harry and Ginny for practice.

I kicked her in the stomach to wake her up. When it didn’t work I kicked her pussy, that always did the trick. I watched her try to move and wince in pain.

I grabbed her hair roughly. “Listen here you little whore, you’re going to leave this plug in and if you even think of taking it out I’ll know. Now be a good little servant and go do the groceries. Okay?” She nodded weakly. I pulled her up by her hair to a standing position. “Go get the fucking card” I told her and pushed her towards it. I watched her struggle to walk and muttered a spell to make the plug wider.

“Ma-master…it really hurts! Pl-please make it stop” she cried. I laughed at her tears for a minute before muttering a spell to make the plug a bit smaller. I could see the relief in her face but it was quickly wiped off and replaced with pain once again, when the chain started twisting and pulling on the clamps. “This is gonna last all day until I take everything off. So have fun with that the store. It’s going to happen when you least expect it” I told her with a hint of laughter.

“Now pick up the fucking card, and get dressed so you can get the fuck out of my face. I’m already late as it is and if I have to take the time to punish you again, you will not survive this time. NOW GO!”

She quickly grabbed her wand from the dresser and waved it over herself so she was fully dressed. “Thank you Master. Good bye Master.” She said quickly before apparating out of the apartment. Finally, I would have some peace away from her irritating existence.

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