Chapter 16 - Draco's POV

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*2.5 months later*

We had been back at the manor for almost a week. I could tell Hermione was struggling with it not being as warm as the beach home. I wished we could go back but it was easier to take her to her upcoming appointments if we were at the manor. Apparating made her dizzy and the beach home didn’t have a floo network, she wasn’t going to ride a broom and neither of us could sprout wings.

We were hoping her leg was healed enough to not need a cast so she could start walking again. She was growing impatient with the wheelchair and wanted to go back to the beach so she could finally get in the water. We were planning on asking if she could get a water proof cast for her hand to also make it easier to shower. She was getting better at doing simple spells with her right hand but I knew she missed doing big spells with her left hand.

I looked over at the bed while getting ready for her first appointment. I could see her shivering under the covers, if she didn’t get out of bed in the next 10 minutes, we would be late. ”Granger you need to get ready, we’re going to be late to your appointment.” She glared at me, “Well if it wasn’t so cold in this fucking house maybe I could get up! Why don’t you shove it Malfoy?” She was clearly in a foul mood. I walked towards the closet and picked out some clothes for her.

I  grabbed her favorite short skirt, one of my hoodies, and both her shoes just in case they removed the cast. I waved my wand over her and her pajamas flew out from under the covers. I waved my wand again and I knew she was fully dressed when she emerged again. “What the fuck Malfoy? Now you’re dressing me like I’m a child? I can fucking dress myself.” I looked at her and rolled my eyes, grabbed her brush and offered it to her. “Brush your hair and let’s go love. I will not be late to your appointment.” She glared at me and snatched the brush out of my hand. She ran it through her hair roughly and quickly before throwing it on the night table. She pulled the covers off and stood up carefully. I grabbed her other shoe and purse before making my way to the fire place.

“Here love” I said handing her some of the powder. “I’ll go first and then you can go in case you need help when you land.” She rolled her eyes and nodded her head. I got in the fire place and said the name of the ward the appointment was at. 30 seconds later she was stumbling into my arms after landing. She dusted herself off and waited for me to lead the way. I helped her to the waiting room and signed her in. 5 minutes later we were called in. I helped her get on the bed and sat in the chair next to her.

The doctor came in shortly after. “Well Miss Granger, it seems like your leg actually healed really good and you won’t need therapy for it. We’ll be removing your cast today. Unfortunately you’re still not cleared for running but you can go swimming, very carefully though. Remember to take it easy and not push it too hard.” She nodded along to everything the doctor said. He walked out and walked back in with a saw. He cut the cast off her leg and already her mood had a slight improvement. Now for her hand appointment. I helped her put on her shoe and walk back to the fireplace. Again, I went first and 30 seconds later she was stumbling into my arms. I signed her in for her hand appointment and 10 minutes later we were called. The news there wasn’t as good. She was still healing very slowly. She would eventually get there but for now she needed the cast. The good news was they were willing to change it to a waterproof one. It would also be a lot lighter to carry around. Even with that good news I knew that whatever small improvement to her mood was gone and she would be in an even worse mood.

I sighed as we made our was back to the manor. When she arrived she went straight to her own room and slammed the door. I sighed again. Fuck it, I thought. I’m going to ask her on a date. I walked slowly to her room and knocked on the door, waiting for her to answer. I finally heard a small come in. When I walked in she was curled up in a ball, under the covers. I sat down next to her and pulled the covers down to look at her face. She glared at me. “I know you’re mad about your wand hand love but you’ll get there, I promise. Now, I wanted to ask you something serious. I know it’s a bit sudden but considering we basically live together and 99% of the time sleep in the same bed, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me tonight?” She stared at me blinking before sitting up all the way and nodding. I could see the smile forming on her face.

Next thing I knew, she was straddling my lap and kissing me.

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