Chapter 5 - Ron's POV

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Seeing her head snap back and hit the door with a thud was satisfying. When she landed on the floor I grabbed her hair and dragged her to the middle of the room. I threw her so she landed face up and waved my wand over her.

When I saw she was fully naked I accioed some ropes. I tied her hands tightly and hung her for the ceiling. I tied one to her neck tightly and secured it to her ankles. I expanded the plug to the most it would and that’s when my fun began. I started to punch her everywhere. Her stomach, her ribs, her chest. If I could see it, it got punched. I could hear her ribs cracking and I couldn’t feel any more euphoria. I shocked her with my wand so she would wake up. When she open her eyes, I could see she was in a lot of pain.

“Does it hurt?” I asked her mockingly. I watched her try to nod her head only to be stopped my the rope. I punched her in the stomach once more before untying only her neck. Her head lolled forward and I could see the tears landing on the floor.

“Are you fucking crying?” I asked before I punched her face. I felt the crunch of her nose and laughed.

“M-M-Master p-please! I-I'm s-sorry!” She sobbed. I could see my vision turning red. How dare she ask me to stop? She knew why she was getting punished. I dropped her from the ceiling and watched her try to sit up. I kicked her face so she understood to stay down. With a wave of my wand, ropes appeared from the floor and bound her firmly in place. I wordlessly disappeared my clothes and straddled her head.

“Open. Now.” I told her. I watched as she opened her mouth while scared. I snatched her hair roughly and forced my member as far as I could and held it there. I muttered a spell so the ropes could start choking her. She tried to cough but couldn’t. I started pumping in and out of her mouth roughly, choking her even more every time I’d reach her throat. When I got bored I pulled out and loosened the ropes around her neck. I looked at her with disgust as she tried to catch her breath. I punched her mouth and watched her lip split open. She started to cry.

“If you keep fucking crying it will be worse. Do you understand?” she nodded trying to hold in her tears. I got up from on top of her and flipped her over with magic. With her ass in the air I took the plug out ungently. I saw her body jerk with pain and chuckled. I tightened her hole again but didn’t remove any of the pain.

“Pucker it. We’re going to have fun now” I told her. I poked my wand at her entrance and did the spell 3 times. She was going to pass out from the pain and I was ready for it. I forced myself into the hole as hard and fast as I could. She started to scream at the top of her lungs. I started to push in and out as rough as I could. The more I did it, the more she screamed.

“SHUT UP!” I screamed, surprised she hadn’t passed out. I could see her silently sobbing and almost came with glee. I kept forcing myself in and out for a few more minutes before finally finishing. I untied her completely and stepped as hard I could on her wand hand. She started to scream again when she heard the bone snap.

“I told you to shut the fuck up” I told her before rolling her over and stomping on her leg several times. I could feel the bones break more and more as I kept stepping on her. By then she was screaming and crying so loudly I could barely think. I stepped on her throat to make her stop. Suddenly the door opened and I was across the room.

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