Chapter 11 - Hermione's POV

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I had fallen into a sort of rhythm at the hospital with Draco. Everyday I would wake up and he would be there, either asleep or reading case files. When the doctor gave me the okay to finally stand up and walk with my crutches he was behind me making sure I wouldn’t fall. If I had nightmares he would comfort me to the best of his abilities. On the last night of my hospital stay, after one of the worst nightmares, he was trying to comfort me and distract me.

“Granger, I know we have to stay glued to each other until the trial and it’s not as much fun with me around, but would you like to go my beach home? I know you can’t get in the water but the fresh air and the sun would do you good! We could arrive tomorrow after finishing at the ministry. What do you say?” he asked me. I nodded through my tears not even bothering to speak. “Perfect! I’ll send a patronous to Potter so he can set up the wards and I’ll have the house elves prepare the place. It’ll be fun!” I sighed and gave him a half smile before rolling over and away from him.
I couldn’t sleep, not after the nightmare, but I couldn’t stand him watching me. I could hear him moving around the room and sending the patronous. I heard him speak to one of his elves quietly. I heard him walk to the doorway and walk out. I could hear him on the phone in the hallway but couldn’t make out what he was saying. I grabbed my phone off the side table and played my favorite rain sounds to see if that would clear my brain. Next thing I knew I was being gently woken up by Ginny.
“ ‘Mi wake up. We have to get you ready to be discharged.” I opened my eyes to look around. I could see Draco quietly folding my clothes and putting them neatly into my trunk. I let Ginny pull me off the bed and into the bathroom. She helped me get into my favorite black t-shirt with a long red cardigan. She helped me put on some ripped blue jeans and my red sneaker, only one though since I still had the stupid cast. She brushed my hair and gave me my make up to put on. I did as best as I could considering my wand hand was also in a cast. When we walked out of the room I saw Draco had also changed. He wore a full black suit, with a black shirt and a black tie. It made his eyes even more stormy than normal. He walked over to help Ginny guide me to the edge of the bed.

“I’m going to get your discharge papers ‘Mione, be right back!” Ginny said walking out. While we waited I played on my phone. Suddenly, Draco cleared his throat. When I looked up at his he had an amused expression and was pointing at something by the door. When I looked towards the door I could see Ginny had walked in, with a wheelchair.

“NO! Not happening! Absolutely NOT!” I yelled angrily. “Hermione the doctor changed his mind about the crutches. He said he doesn’t want you walking so it’s this or Malfoy is going to have to carry you, and I really don’t think he’s gonna want to do that! Now come on so you can get in the chair!” she answered back calmly. I looked over at Draco who was trying very hard to hold in his laughter. His whole face was red and it was honestly frustrating. “I swear Malfoy, one peep out of you and I’ll hex you to a different dimension.” I told him angrily. He coughed trying to conceal his laugh before helping me into the chair. Once I was seated Harry walked into the room.

“Harry! What are you doing here?” I asked excitedly. Harry came over to give me a gentle hug. “Just checking, making sure Malfoy didn’t drop you of something. Plus I came to help haul all your stuff to the beach home while you and Malfoy go to the ministry.” I laughed at his comment and could see from the corner of my eye Draco glaring at me but trying to hide his amusement.

“Well Potter from what you can see, she’s perfectly fine. I didn’t drop her. Although if she keeps laughing at me, I might just roll her down the hallway and leave her there.” That did it, I couldn’t stop laughing. The tears started to stream down my face from how hard I was laughing. Pretty soon the rest of them joined in and we looked like 4 deranged people just laughing in the room. When we finally caught our breath, I felt a little lighter inside. I took a calming breath, “Alright, time to go to the ministry. Bye Harry, bye Ginny. Thank you both for helping out. Let’s go Malfoy.” Draco nodded once and almost immediately I felt the pressure on my body from apparating. Almost as fast as it had appeared, it was gone. When I looked up, we were at the entrance of the ministry. I prepared myself for whatever would come.

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