Chapter 33 - Draco's POV

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The sand clock in the middle of the room indicated that the sentencing would happen soon. We had been here for hours and I could tell Hermione was getting impatient. After our retelling of everything that had happened to us, the Weasley’s had once again apologized, but this time included Harry and me. Now we were just sitting in the court room waiting. There was still 45 seconds left before the jury came back with an answer. Hermione looked at me, “I love you Draco” she said. “I love you too Hermione” I answered back confidently.

The clock chimed indicating it was time. We all rose and waited.

“Ronald Weasley. After careful consideration we have decided your fate. For attacking 2 aurors and causing one with bodily harm, we find you guilty. For marriage against the second person’s will, we find you guilty. For the grave endangerment of a war hero, we find you guilty. After much consideration and talking, we have decided that you are too dangerous for Azkaban. We sentence you to the dementor’s kiss.” The room became cold as dementors floated in. We watched as the sentence was fulfilled and they left.

I looked down at Hermione, she looked happy yet shocked. She turned to me and smiled. I felt her grab my hand and suddenly we were back at the manor. “Love what happened? Are you-“ She didn’t let me finish before she attacked me with her lips. She was kissing me everywhere. “He’s finally gone Dray! We’re free to do whatever the fuck we want!” I grabbed her face with both hands and kissed her. Her happiness bled into her kisses and she began giggling. I pulled her with me to the bedroom.

“Where are we going?” she questioned. I looked at her with a devilish grin. “To find a table so I can bend you over it and fuck you. Isn’t that what you wanted this morning?” her expression turned dark with want. I guided her over to my desk and swept everything off. I picked her up and sat her on top. I settled myself between her legs as she wrapped them around me. Slowly, I removed her shirt and bra. I leaned in to kiss her neck. “Mine” I growled before biting down hard enough to leave a mark on top of the ones from last night. She threw her head back in pleasure and moaned. I lifted her slightly to remove her tight skirt and tights. I kissed down her legs painfully slow. I kissed my way back up until I reached her center. I gave a quick kiss to her clit before digging in. I ate her out and eventually added two fingers. I watched her ride my fingers to climax, moving her hips at the speed she wanted. Letting her catch her breath, I began undressing. When the metal of my belt hit the floor I saw her tense in suspense. When I finished undressing I flipped her over so her ass was in the air. I spanked her lightly several times, eliciting groans and moans from her. I parted her lips with my tip and teased her entrance.

“Draco PLEASE” she begged. “What is it love? Tell me what you want” I whispered behind her. “Fuck me Dray. Make me yours.” She answered, her voice dripping with desire. Her words were enough to push me over the edge. I slid into her slowly until I bottomed out. “You feel so good love” I started sliding in and out of her, my strokes increasing in speed. I fucked her mercilessly and watched as she moved back to meet my hips. I pressed my hand into her hair and pulled gently. I felt her walls begin to flutter and her legs start shaking. “Dray I-I’m gonna…fuuuck” was all she managed before finishing. I kept going, chasing my own orgasm. I pulled out and picked her up. I carried her to the bed and laid down with her on top of me. She positioned herself over my tip and sank down on it. I grabbed her sides and my hips snapped into hers at a bruising pace. I dragged my hand down and rubbed circles on her clit. Her name tumbled out of my lips over and over. Finally our orgasms washed over us at the same time. She fell on my chest breathing heavily.

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