Chapter 19 - Hermione's POV

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I felt him snake his arm around my waist and tangle the other one in my hair. He was kissing me with so much passion, I didn’t even notice he had apparated us back to his room, until I felt my body hit the bed. He rolled us over so I was on top of him and sat up. He stopped kissing me to come up for air and looked at me.

“Hermione I love you too. Why do you think I ran out of the restaurant to look for you? I was going crazy looking for you. I kept thinking, what if I don’t get a chance to tell her how I feel? You don’t think I stay up at night thinking about how your eyes remind me of the color gold mixed with honey in the sunlight? You don’t think I think about your laugh and how to me it’s the most beautiful sound in the world? Don’t you know that every night I feel your body next to mine I want to show you how much I love you? Hermione, your presence may have started out as work but, I find a reason to love you more and more every day. Don’t think for even one second that you’re not good enough for me. You may not love yourself, but I love you enough for the both of us.”

This time when he tried to wipe my tears away I allowed him. I felt light and free now that he knew how I felt. He smiled his beautiful smile at me. I pressed my forehead to his and enjoyed the moment. “Up until… you know, did you at least enjoy your night?” he asked me cautiously. I nodded, a smile forming on my own face. “You look so beautiful Hermione. I honestly wish I could show you how stunning you look right now. It should be a crime to look this good.” He whispered to me. I could feel my heart beating in my chest. I untangled my limbs from his and stood up. “Where are you going love?” he asked pouting. I chuckled. “To change sweetheart. I’m a bit tired and my leg hurts from all the walking.”

I went to wash off my make up and tie my hair up. When I walked out, I saw he had changed too. I narrowed my eyes at him when I noticed he was wearing my favorite sweatpants and no shirt. He met me by the edge of the bed and pulled me down to his lap. “You know, the first time I sat you on my lap after a nightmare, was on our first night at the beach home. I could hear you crying in my room and when I saw you there on the floor, my heart just broke for you. All I could think was, here is this beautiful girl and she’s on the floor crying. I couldn’t think of what else I could do to comfort you except put you on my lap and let you get it out. Then you just, went to sleep on me. I think there is when I started falling for you.” He kissed my forehead and let me go so I could stand up. I got under the covers and waited for him to get comfortable so I could move closer to him.
“Draco I have a question” I said trying to keep a straight face. He looked down at me with a raised eyebrow. “Why the fuck…is it so cold in this house? How is there a lit fire and we’re under a super thick blanket and it’s still cold? This is ridiculous. I demand we go back to the beach house! Or at least make the manor warmer.” I could feel him laughing quietly under me. “Good night love” was all he answered. I fell asleep dreaming of the beach and Draco.

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