Chapter 31 - Hermione's POV

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I looked at myself in the mirror before getting ready. I almost didn’t recognize myself. I smiled to myself as the memories of last night assaulted my head. My lips were swollen from Draco’s kissing last night. I had bruises on my hips, thighs and waist. He had covered my neck in hickeys, effectively marking me as his. Even my hair was a mess. I would surely have to wear my hair down today at Ronald’s trial.

I felt Draco snake an arm around my waist and kiss my shoulder. “I’m so sorry love. I was way too rough with you. I should’ve been gentle. I didn’t mean to hurt you” he said solemnly. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. “You’re fine Dray. I’m not in any pain. Plus, have you seen your back? You have claw marks that literally bled last night. And look at your shoulder. I fucking bit you. Look at the bite mark and the huge bruise it has around it.” He wouldn’t smile and kept wallowing. “Love if you don’t stop pouting, I’m going to make you lose control again and you’ll end up fucking me even harder than last night. Is that what you want?” I purred in his ear. His eyes darkened. “Behave yourself Hermione. We have to go soon and talking like that will make us late” he answered back sensually. I winked at him and left his embrace to walk to my closet.

The months were getting colder so I got away with wearing a turtle neck, a tight pencil skirt and some tights with my boots. I finished getting ready and walked out to find Draco waiting for me on the sofa. He was wearing my favorite black on black suit. I bit my bottom lip while eyeing him up and down. “Stop staring Granger it’s impolite” he said with fake anger. I walked over to him and sat on his lap facing him. “Dray I want you to fuck me. Didn’t you tell me on our first date you wanted to bend me over the table and fuck me? I want you. Right now.” He looked at me with lust filled eyes. “I can’t right now love. The trial starts in 10 minutes and that’s just not enough time to enjoy you. I promise that when we get back I’ll do whatever you want.” I pouted and shifted my hips against him. He groaned. “Baby please. You’re killing me right now ‘Mi. Stop trying to seduce me and let’s go” I moved my hips over him again and kissed him roughly. “Come on love. Give me a break please. Trust me I want you right now, but we really can’t be late” he growled. I kissed him one last time before getting up and fixing my skirt. He adjusted himself and stood up grabbing my hand. We walked to the fireplace and grabbed some floo powder. As always he went first so he could catch me when I landed.

We made our way to the court room to wait. We saw Harry, Ginny and all of the Weasleys sitting. They turned to look at us when they heard the door. Molly was the first to spot me. She stood up and almost ran to where I was. She wrapped me into a soul crushing hug with Arthur right behind her. One by one each Weasley hugged me with George being the last one and only one to speak. “I’m so sorry Hermione. If we would’ve known what he was doing to you we wouldn’t have allowed it. I guess Fred’s death was just too hard for him to deal with, I know there’s no excuse for what he put you both through, but just know that we love you” I gave him one last hug before taking my seat between Harry and Draco.

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