Chapter 30 - Draco's POV

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*Two weeks later*

Tomorrow was Weasley’s trial. Once they had discharged me from the hospital, Harry had called saying that he’d convinced the minister to move up the date after what he’d done to us.

I watched as Hermione made her way to my side with a tray full of food. She’d been taking care of me at the hospital and when we got back to the manor last night, she hadn’t stopped. She wouldn’t let me do anything by myself. She didn’t even sleep in the same bed for fear that she would hurt me. I was starting to grow frustrated with her. All day I’d been trying to just hold her and she wouldn’t let me touch her. She wouldn’t even kiss my lips or anything. I really just wanted us in the same bed again, the manor was cold and without her by my side I was starting to feel gloomy. She placed the tray on the bedside table and kissed my forehead gently. I pulled her back before she had a chance to leave. “You have to be careful Dray. Your wounds could open back up if you’re too rough.” I rolled my eyes and pulled her on my lap.

I held her face and kissed her passionately. She moaned into my mouth. I lowered my hands to the bottom of her shirt and slowly lifted it. She allowed me to take her shirt off. I smoothed my hand down her back and pulled away to catch my breath. I noticed how she shifted away from me. “What’s wrong love? Why won’t you let me touch you? Is there something I should know?” I asked, my eyes narrowing in suspicion. She sighed as tears welled up in her eyes. “Look at me Draco. I have scars everywhere from the ropes. They may have healed, but I’ll always be reminded of what he did to me. How can you want to be with me after this? Plus… he touched me Draco. He was inside of me. He…finished inside of me. It’s disgusting. You deserve to be with someone better. Someone who isn’t damaged and tainted.” She looked away sadly. My heart broke listening to how she thought of herself. I needed her to understand how valuable she was in my life.

I grabbed her face with my hand and turned it to face me. “I want to be with you because I love you. I loved you before the scars, and I’ll love you after too. And it’s like you forget I have scars too love. Scars that are there because you saved my life and if you hadn’t, I’d be 6 feet underground next to my mother. Stop acting like you’re not good enough woman! You’re literally the best part of my day. Every day I look at you and love you more than before. You’re not dirty or disgusting or tainted. You’re mine. I love you and that’s final.” I kissed her roughly and this time she moved to straddle my lap. She moved her hands up my bare chest and tangled them in the hair at the nape of my neck.

I flipped us so I was on top. I nipped and kissed the sensitive spots on her neck. I bit down on a soft spot and marked her, eliciting a groan from her. I kept kissing down her body until I reached the waistband of her pants. I removed them slowly, taking her underwear off in the process. As I rid her of her clothing I kissed further down. I placed soft kisses from her ankles up to her inner thighs. I placed gentle kisses on the bruises she still had. I could see she was already dripping and I had barely touched her. I ran two fingers down her center, wetting them and licked them clean. Listening to her whimper and sigh was making me hard and I could barely concentrate.

I took a second to collect my thoughts and dove in. Her back arched off the bed in pleasure. I felt her tangle her fingers in my hair and pull gently the more pleasure she received. I felt her begin to tense up and inserted one finger and began pumping. I added a second one and made ‘come here’ motions. Her moans were becoming more and more high pitched and she was letting out a string of curse words with my name mixed in.

“Dray” she gasped. “Dray I’m…I’m gonna come” she struggled to say. I quickened my pace, wanting to get her there. I felt her walls flutter with the beginning of her orgasm. I kept going, watching as her back arched beautifully off the bed and she screamed for me. My strokes became languid until finally stopping. She flipped us over hungrily, her eyes dark with desire. She freed me from my pants and took me in her hand. She leaned over me and spread her lips with my tip. She moved down, taking the whole thing slowly and shifted her hips. She threw head back in pleasure. I grabbed her hips and sped up her pace. I took her fast and rough, knowing she’d have bruises again. I pulled her down and marked her as mine again and again. She bit my shoulder to keep quiet but her screams of ecstasy filled the room. I held her waist close to me as I pounded into her.

I flipped us over one last time and wrapped her legs around my waist. She raked her nails down my back, drawing blood, and came with one last scream of my name on her lips. My strokes started faltering and with one last thrust I finished inside of her.  I kissed her a last time before getting off of her. I collapsed next to her and cuddled her. Her eyes became heavy with exhaustion and closed. I threw the blanket around us and fell asleep.

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