Chapter 20 - Draco's POV

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I rolled over and felt for Hermione. When I didn’t find her I opened my eyes to see her side of the bed was empty. I got out of bed and went searching for her. She wasn’t in the bathroom, the kitchen or the library. I finally decided to check her own room and found her sitting on the balcony. She looked like she had been crying. I took a seat next to her, “Love, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?” she looked over at me and smiled sadly. “Just trying to figure out how to feel better. I don’t think I’ll properly heal until Ron is fully behind bars or something. I don’t feel safe. I don’t feel like I can enjoy life and my time with you, when I know he’s still in that apartment.”

I looked at her and grabbed her hand, “Hermione love, you know I won’t let anything happen to you, right? You’re safe with me. If you want to enjoy your time with me and enjoy life, you have every right! As a matter of fact, I demand you enjoy life! I trained with Harry fucking Potter to become an auror. Trust me, you’re safe. Nothing will happen if you simply enjoy life. How about I call Harry after your head appointment and have him set up the wards at the beach home and we move back there?” she nodded excitedly. She stood up and walked over to me and sat on my lap. “I’m sorry I’m always crying. After we figure out what’s wrong with my head, I’ll find a therapist that can help with the nightmares and the crying. I should be able to apparate after my appointment and go by myself.”

I quietly agreed with her. I didn’t want her to feel bad for always crying but I was worried about her. I wanted her to heal. I felt her yawn and nuzzle into my neck. Next thing I knew she was asleep. I picked her up carefully and set her on her bed, I got in and arranged the blankets on her. I felt her shift closer to me before I fell asleep.

We spent the next day doing nothing in bed, we watched some TV and talked about hopefully going back to the beach home. After tomorrow we would know what was wrong. That night was the first time in a long time that Hermione slept without any nightmares. She slept the whole night and you could see the improvement in her mood.

The next morning while we got ready for her appointment I saw her struggling to put on the tightest skinny jeans I’d ever seen, with just ine hand. “What are you doing love? Why are your pants so tight?” I chuckled. “Because…” she huffed. “Because I finally don’t have a cast on my stupid leg and I can finally wear what I want.” I laughed and waved my wand so the pants were fully on her. “Thanks, I needed that.” She said giggling. She put on a loose tank top and was ready. I grabbed her hand and prepared her to apparate. When we appeared I could see her struggling to stay upright and made sure to hold on to her carefully.

We made our way to the front desk and got her signed in. We sat down while we waited and 30 minutes later she was called in. When we walked into the office the doctor was waiting. “Well Miss Granger, I think I might have figured out why you get dizzy every time you apparate. You see, you cracked your skull and that affected the way your body would naturally process the pressure of apparating. Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do except recommend that you always apparate accompanied by someone. To help with the dizziness, I recommend laying down for at least an hour. Now, you need to understand that this could go away eventually, but it could also get worse and you could experience throwing up and fainting. Am I correct to assume you apparated today and you currently feel nauseated?” she nodded her head slowly. “I see. Well, I would recommend you try to apparate as little as possible. That’s really the best we can do. The crack is completely healed and closed so it’s just a matter of waiting. I’ll leave you two alone to discuss this. Feel free to apparate when you’re ready and please be careful. I must repeat, you can not apparate alone. You could be seriously hurt.” He walked out, leaving us alone in the room. “I’m sorry love. I know you wanted-" “Just leave it alone Draco. Let’s just go back to the manor and pack so we can get to the beach home. I’m ready to leave.” She stood up grabbed my hand. I apparated us back to the manor and heard her faintly curse. “Fuck” she said before falling forward

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